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There are lots of online resources for coping with depression. is a good place to start. There are many quality websites out there where other people who suffer with depression explain their symptoms and how they've managed to cope.

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Q: Looking for good online resources to identify depression symptoms and their respective cures?
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Depression has very few, if any positive symptoms. Check out the related link for a list of the symptoms of depression.

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Symptoms for teen depression are very similar to the symptoms for adult depression. Withdral from people and things that they usually associate with is one symptom.

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Are symptoms of depression universal, or does it vary by age, gender, etc?

Depression symptoms can be common or specific to a human variable such as gender, race, or age. Simply stated, all people can demonstrate fatigue or lack of appetite, but other symptoms are specific to things like a menstrual cycle or peer pressure in adolescents.

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I think the best place to get treatment for your depression symptoms is with your local doctor. They can generally control your symptoms with SSRI medications

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What are some common symptoms of depression during pregnancy?

Antepartum depression, also known as depression during pregnancy is not dissimilar to clinical depression. A few symptoms of antepartum depression are the following: Oversleeping or not getting enough sleep, continuous sadness, feeling unworthy or guilty, and loss of interest.

What are 4 symptoms of depression?

withdrawal saddness suicidal