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To find out when a dog was last vaccinated against rabies, you would need to contact the dog's owner and see proof of vaccination like a rabies certificate. If you are the current owner, contact your vet to see when a rabies vaccine was last administered. If you are the current owner but did not own the dog at the time of last vaccination, you will need to have the previous owner contact their vet and allow them to release vaccine information to you.

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Q: Looking for when this dog got his last rabies shots?
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You should take your dog to the vet and then ask the owner of the other dog if they had recently had rabies shots for their dog. Just in case get rabies shots if that dog has been bitten.

What shots does your dog need?

Rabies,distemper, parvo,and more.

Can a person given anti-rabies have effects if the dog has no rabies?

Yes. A Person can have a reaction to the Rabies Shots that are given to counter the Rabies Virus. Just as a person can have a reaction to any medication. However, if the dog was found to not have Rabies then the reaction will not have anything to do with the person having/getting rabies.

What type of people are most susceptible to get rabies and why?

EVERY ten minutes a person dies from rabies. IT could be anyone around a dog, who has the risk of rabies, around the dog that hasn't taken shots though.

How do you know that people has rabis if a dog bite you?

If it wasn't foaming at the mouth and going crazy biting everything, it didn't have rabies. And if that dog did not have it's rabies shots, whoever owns the dog is in trouble.

You got bit by yorkie dog do they have rabies?

Well, you can get your yorkie shots, so they dont have rabiesA bit more:It's not likely the yorkie had rabies, but you need to check with the dog's owner to make sure it has had all of it's shots. And you probably need a tetanus shot; when I got bitten by my own pug my doctor made me get one.

What is the best thing to do for a deep dog bite on a dog?

Please take your pet to the vet NOW! if bitten by another dog was did that dog have its rabies shots?

How rabies detected through the bite of dog?

Its not, animal contraol has to kill the dog and check its brain. If u cant find the dog, u get painful rabies shots just in case, or you wait it out with the possibility of death.

What preventive measures against rabies are adequate for humans having pets?

You need to give the dog, shots against rabies, as per advise of the veterinary doctor.

Does dog run a fewer when thy get rabies shots?

They shouldn't. If this happens, get the dog to the vet itmedietly. It could be mild, but stay on the safe side.

How do you know a dog bite has rubbish?

Dog bites are not to be taken lightly. You will need to wash the wound out thoroughly and apply antibiotic ointment. If it is a large bite, you will need to get to a doctor quickly. You should also inquire as to the dog's health and recent rabies shots - get proof. Otherwise, you may have to go through the series of rabies shots.

Can a pregnant dog get her shots?

No, a rabies shot protects against rabies (atleast 99.9999% of the time).