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He is a young boy who runs away from his parents (which are evil) Why did he run? Cause they were pulling his teeth out forcefully so they could get money and buy drinks. Ludlow's family is poor Btw.. so he runs to a village on top of a hill and becomes the apprentice of Joe Zabbidou a Pawn Broker

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1mo ago

"The Black Book of Secrets" is a novel by F.E. Higgins, also known as "The Bone Magician." It follows the story of Ludlow Fitch, a young boy who runs away from home and becomes an apprentice to a mysterious pawnbroker named Joe Zabbidou. As Ludlow delves deeper into the secrets of the town of Pagus Parvus, he uncovers dark and dangerous mysteries.

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Who is the main person in the black book of secrets?

The main character in The Black Book of Secrets is Ludlow Fitch.

Who are the important characters in the black book of secrets?

They are: Ludlow Fitch Joe Zabbidou Jeremiah Ratchett

What is the theme in the black book of secrets?

The theme of "The Black Book of Secrets" revolves around secrets, power, and the consequences of greed. The book explores how secrets can be both liberating and destructive, and the impact they have on individuals and society as a whole.

Who are the characters in the black book of secrets?

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What book is Pagus Parvus from?

It's from the book "The Black Book Of Secrets" written by "F.E.Higgins".It refers to the city where Joe Zabbidou and Ludlow work as pawn brokers.

How many pages does The Black Book of Secrets have?

The Black Book of Secrets has 320 pages.

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Is the black book of secrets a recommended book?

i just finished. it's pretty good.

When is the Black Book of Buried Secrets coming out?

October 26, 2010.

Is there an eleven book on thirty nine clues?

not unless you include the cahill book of black secrets

Who is Joe Zabbidou in the The Black Book of Secrets?

Joe Zabbidou is a mysterious and enigmatic character in "The Black Book of Secrets" by F.E. Higgins. He is a sinister pawnbroker who collects people's darkest secrets and offers to relieve them of their burdens in exchange for their secrets.

What is the setting in the story A Secret for Two?

the setting in the black book of secrets begins in ludlow's town then switches to pagus parvus but in the end goes somewhere else