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Could be a lymph node.

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13h ago

A lump on the back of the neck that comes and goes could be caused by a variety of factors such as swollen lymph nodes, cysts, or muscle knots. It's important to monitor the size, shape, and any associated symptoms of the lump. If it persists or causes concern, it's best to consult a healthcare professional for proper evaluation and diagnosis.

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Q: Lump on the back of your neck it come and goes?
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What is the best treatment for turkey neck?

The best treatment for turkey neck is typically a surgical procedure called a neck lift or platysmaplasty, which involves tightening the muscles and removing excess skin. Non-surgical options such as botox or fillers can also provide temporary improvement in the appearance of a turkey neck. Consulting with a board-certified plastic surgeon is recommended to determine the best treatment option for individual needs.

Neck soreness night sweats?

Night sweats, along with neck soreness, can be caused by a variety of issues including infections, hormone imbalances, or conditions like sleep apnea. It's important to speak with a healthcare provider to determine the underlying cause and receive appropriate treatment. Tracking any other symptoms and discussing them with your healthcare provider can help in the diagnostic process.

What are the vertebrae in the neck region called?

The vertebrae in the neck region are called cervical vertebrae. There are seven cervical vertebrae labeled C1 to C7, with C1 being closest to the skull and C7 being closest to the thoracic vertebrae.

What does it mean when your neck cracks all the time?

Frequent cracking of the neck could be due to gas bubbles within the joint being released. It is usually not a cause for concern unless it is accompanied by pain or other symptoms. If you are experiencing pain or discomfort, it is best to consult a healthcare professional for further evaluation.

Types of postural defects?

Some common types of postural defects include kyphosis (excessive rounding of the upper back), lordosis (excessive inward curvature of the lower back), and scoliosis (sideways curvature of the spine). These defects can be caused by factors such as poor posture, muscle imbalances, structural issues, or certain medical conditions. Strengthening exercises, stretching, and proper ergonomics can help improve postural alignment.

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Your dog has a bloody lump on the back of his neck what could this be from?

It could be an imbedded tick.

What might a lump on the left side at the base of a neck indicate?

A lump at the front of the neck could be inflamed lymph nodes, or an increase in one nodule of the thyroid gland which is a butterfly shaped organ in the neck belonging to the endocrine system. At the back of the neck a lump could be a muscle spasm or a problem with a spinal vertebra.

What can a neck lump be?

a turtle neck

What happens if you pop your neck too much?

You Will Get A Big Lump On The Back Of Your Neck And Terrible Neck Pains, Though Im Still Trying to Stop Its Addicting.

Recently had a cyst removed from back of neck a week later you noticed a hard lump above incesion and another lump on the left side of neck what can this be?

the lump helps you create a bad bad thing in your own throat. You should have a lump in your throat once in a while when your start to have your you know what and it is very important.

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What was the lump on Homer's Neck in Midnight Rx?

It was a lump of stress.

Can feel a lump in neck when you tilt back?

If ur wanting someone to answer this they need to what ur talking about, that could be anything, from a bone in ur neck to a pulled muscle.

What is a lump at the base of the back of your neck that causes loss of mobility and neck and shoulder pain?

When dealing with business ethics what is the definition or what is envolved with Chapter 75?

What is neck mass?

Neck mass is also called neck lump. It causes respiratory infection like cold or sinusitis. The lump mostly occurs in infants and children.

What is the lump on my neck on the inside of jaw?

The lump on your neck on the inside of the jaw could be an infection. It is important that you seek medical attention ASAP.

What can cause a small lump on the back of left side of neck in a female age 32 no kids it often gets warm painful to touch?

Im 13 and i have the exact same thing a lump on the left side of my neck it's really small .