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Autopilot keeps an aircraft on course. In modern times autopilot is assisted by GPS and radar.

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Q: Machine that keeps an airplane on course?
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Related questions

What is a machine that keeps an airplane on course?

An auto-pilot

Is an airplane a compound machine?

The airplane is not considered to be a compound machine. The airplane is actually a complex machine with a large number of separate working parts.

What invented the first airplane?

The first one to actually fly was, of course, the Wright bros. machine in North Carolina

Is airplane a gadget?

No. An airplane is a machine, not a gadget.

Is an airplane a simple machine?

An airplane is not a simple machine. A lever is a simple machine. A wheel is a simple machine. Any machine that can be described by a mathematical formula is a simple machine.

Why airplane is a compound machine?

A air plane is not a compound but complex machine. An airplane has multiples of simple machines

What did the wright brothers invent .?

They invented the three axis control so the airplane can keeps it's equilibrium while flying. The very first practical AIRPLANE was invented by Wright brothers. They were inspired by the birds and invented this flying machine which can be used by humans in December,1903.

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Is an airplaine a simple machine?

No. An airplane is a complex machine. A lever or a pulley is a simpple machine

Is an airplane a material that travels?

An airplane is material constructed into a flying machine that travels.

Is a rubber band powered airplane a machine?

Yes, it is a toy machine.

A flying machine starting with a?

An airplane is a flying machine starting with the letter A.