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motion and heat

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1w ago

Machines and living things can convert stored energy into different forms of energy such as mechanical, electrical, or heat energy, depending on the process or mechanism involved.

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14y ago

To heat, sound, light, and motion.

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Q: Machines and living things can convert stored energy into what?
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Machines and living things can convert stored energy to what?


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ATP.Mitochondria break down glucose. This energy is stored in ATP

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To get energy from stored glycogen (in the liver), the body must first convert the glycogen into ATP. -JoshuaP

To get energy from stored glycogen the body must first convert the glycogen into?

To get energy from stored glycogen (in the liver), the body must first convert the glycogen into ATP. -JoshuaP

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The most of the chemical energy in living organisms stored in energy storage molecules. Glucose is the major storage energy in humans and this causes ATP.

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What is the purpose of a motor in terms of energy?

To convert stored energy in a fuel, into motion. Potential energy into kinetic energy.

What is the form of energy of familiar objects and machines?

Familiar objects and machines can have various forms of energy, such as electrical energy (from batteries or power sources), mechanical energy (from movement or stored in springs), thermal energy (from heat sources), and potential energy (stored energy based on position or configuration).

What do mitochondria convert?

They break down glucose.Released energy is stored in ATPs.

Where is the energy of sunlight stored inside of sugars?

The energy of sunlight is stored in the chemical bonds of sugars through the process of photosynthesis. During photosynthesis, plants convert sunlight into chemical energy by combining carbon dioxide and water to produce glucose (sugar) and oxygen. The energy stored in the chemical bonds of glucose can be released through cellular respiration to fuel the activities of living organisms.