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The word Tao means way, path, or road. It is considered to be the way of life, or the proper attitude to life, by its adherents.

One fundamental belief is that the universe, and particulaly the order and harmony found in the universe is evidence of 'Tao', that it is the will of the heavens that things exist.

In turn, if everyone does everything in the proper natural and correct way, peace, harmony and effectiveness would be the result.

In contrast with Confucianism, which advocates action, Taosim's way can be viewed as one of inaction, passivity and calm, and that everything will turn out well if people will just let nature take its course.

For example, refecting on life it self, one Tao Master (Chuang-tzu, about 300 BC) advised..."What should you do? What should you not do? It really does not make any difference."

The underlying idea is that, if things are bad, they will get better. If things are good, that won't won't last long.

A key principle of Taoism is to be at one with nature. If this is acheived, one's whole life is eternally preserved from harm.

Over the centuries the beliefs of Taoism gradually developed and became manifest in the promotion of meditation and other ways to achieve being at one with the Tao. The idea of ying and yang emerged, i.e. that there are opposing forces (male and female) and that life results when these opposing forces unite. Taoists also began using the symbols for ying and yang in their art work and as protection against evil by displaying them on the outside of their homes and other buildings.

In the latter half of the first millennium during the T'ang dynasty (about 600 CE to 900CE), Lao-tzu, the presumed founder of Taoism, became deified by the religion and Taoist writings began to be considered as sacred works. Tao religious orders and religious buildings were established/built, and a pantheon of Chinese gods were adopted into Taoism's beliefs, along with Chinese folklore and traditional customs for keeping evil away and for ensuring good health and fortune.

In summary, the fundamental idea underlying Taoism is that nature is whole and complete and that if man works with nature, he too will be whole and complete, even forever. Today, in Taoism, as a development of this simple concept, there is an extensive panoply of ideas, practices and traditions, with different branches of Taoism having distinctively different beliefs and customs.

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