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Q: Major feature and chemical events in photosynthesis and respiration?
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What is the respiration - sequence of events?

The sequence of events in aerobic respiration is: glycolysis, formation of acetyl CoA, the Krebs cycle, the electron transport chain.

What is the order of events for cellular respiration?

In photosynthesis, light is absorbed by the chlorophyll molecule, which uses the newly created chemical energy to charge ATP and NADPH. This renewed energy source is used to synthesis carbohydrates. A byproduct of this process is the generation of molecular oxygen.

What are the sequence of the 3 events in cellular respiration?

ignition, compression, exhaust

The overall equation for cell respiration?

Cellular respiration utilizes 02 and gives of co2. Both plant and cell cells carry out respiration and both processes utilize an electron transplant chain for ATP production. Only plant cells photosynthesize and photosynthesis reduce co2 to carbohydrates and release 02

What are the products of photosynthesis and cellular respiration?

Add: The overall products of respiration are carbon dioxide and water. The overall products of photosynthesis are glucose and oxygen.Answer 1:38 ATP (adenosine triphosphate) are produced through aerobic respiration. 2 ATP are produced through anaerobicrespiration. The by-products of photosynthesis are 1 PGAL (sugar phosphate) for every three turns of the Calvin Cycle.Answer 2:Photosynthesis can broadly be thought of as the exact opposite of cellular respiration. It works as follows:Photosynthesis:6CO2 + 6H2O + Light Energy => C6H12O6 + 6O2carbon + water + light energy => glucose + oxygendioxideCellular Respiration:C6H12O6 + 6O2 => 6CO2 + 6H20 + Energyglucose + oxygen => carbon + water + energydioxideIn this model the energy is release as ATP as in answer 1 to be used by the body to perform some kind of work (like exercising). This is naturally a simplified version of events, but it is basically how it works.

Why is chlorophyll important in the process of photosynthesis?

because the events of photosynthesis takes place inside the chlorophyll

Can you get Nintendo events for Emulators?

No, you cannot get Nintendo events for emulators. The emulators do not have the feature to connect by link or by Wi-Fi.

What are the squences of events in the cellular respiration?

Glycolysis, Krebs cycle, electron transport chain

What are the possible events that could happen after glycolysis?

It either undergoes Anaerobic or Aerobic Cellular Respiration.

What are the major events of respiration?

HINDI KO NGA ALAM Eyy ... Kaya Nga Ako Nagtatanung .

Does Sun online feature news on football events?

The Sun Online does, in fact, feature football event news. It covers many other sports as well.

What chemical eqation sums up the events of photosynthesis?

carbon dioxide+ water -----> light then sugars+oxygen