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No don't do it!!! It'll Take A Long Time To Make An Anti-Virus using visual basic But If you want to, Watch This Video:

(I don't own that video)

Btw, The best way to make anti-viruses is using C++ which I do not know.

Good Luck


(Edited by Thawkk)

This is a really simple code you can put in notepad and save as a .bat file.

@echo off

title Antivirus

echo Created By your name


IF EXIST virus.bat goto infected

IF NOT EXIST virus.bat goto clean

IF EXIST virus.exe goto infected

IF NOT EXIST virus.exe goto clean

IF EXIST virus.vbs goto infected

IF NOT EXIST virus.vbs goto clean



del virus.bat

del virus.exe

del virus.vbs

goto start





This code is really simple, although no virus will be detected by this code really easy. I suggest using this antivirus in combination with the one already installed on your computer.

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Q: Make a antivirus with Visual Basic 2008?
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