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you do 10.4/2.6 to get 4. then you have to divide 56 by 4 half lives.

56/2/2/2/2= 3.5g

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2w ago

After 10.4 hours, there would be 1/2^4 = 1/16 (0.0625) mg of manganese-56 left in the sample due to radioactive decay. Therefore, the mass of manganese-56 remaining in a 1 mg sample after 10.4 hours would be 0.0625 mg.

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Q: Manganese-56 is a beta emitter with a half-life of 2.6 hour. What is the mass of manganese-56 ina 1 mg sample of the isotope after 10.4?
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What are the names of the of the unstable hydrogen isotopes?

The only UN-stable Hydrogen isotope is Tritium, atomic number 1 (of coarse!), mass number 3, with 2 neutrons in nucleus, beta- electron emitter, (max.) 0.018 MeV, half-time 12.3 yr.

What is the stable isotope that is formed by the breakdown of a radioactive isotope?

The stable isotope formed by the breakdown of a radioactive isotope is called a daughter isotope. This process is known as radioactive decay, where a radioactive isotope transforms into a stable daughter isotope through the emission of particles or energy.

Is californium poison?

Yes, californium is a radioactive element and can be harmful if ingested or inhaled. Exposure to californium can result in radiation sickness, which may cause severe health effects. Proper handling and containment measures are necessary when dealing with californium.

Mass number of actinium?

Unable to answer without knowing the specific isotope. However I will assume you mean actinium-227 as it is the only isotope with a halflife longer than a few days.227 protons and neutrons each composed of 3 quarks, total 681 quarks89 electronsThis gives a total of either 316 electrons, protons, and neutrons or 770 electrons and quarks. However this does not count the undeterminable number of virtual photons, muons, and gluons being exchanged by those electrons, protons, neutrons, and quarks to couple the electromagnetic, weak, and strong forces between them.

What is a antonym for isotope?

The antonym for isotope is non-isotope. An isotope refers to atoms of the same element with different numbers of neutrons, whereas non-isotope would refer to atoms of the same element having the same number of neutrons.

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no, halflife is a constant for each isotope's decay process.

Is any isotope of lead is radioactive?

many. one example is lead-214 with a halflife of 26.8 minutes.

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What are the naturally occurring isotopes of polonium?

This isotope is 210Po, an alpha emitter with a half life of 138,376 days.

What is actinium -227?

Actinium-227 is a natural isotope; the half life is 24,77 years. It is a emitter of alpha and beta.

How does californium help medical care?

The isotope californium-252 (a neutron emitter) is used for the treatment of cervical and brain cancers.

How do scientists use the halflife of radioactive isotopes to date rocks and fossils?

The basic idea is to compare the abundance of a naturally occurring radioactive isotope within a material to the abundance of its decay products; it is known how fast the radioactive isotope decays.

How does uranium 234 behave?

Uranim-234 is a rare natural isotope of uranium - the abundance is 0,0054 %.This isotope ha 92 protons, 142 neutrons and an atomic mass of 234,040 952 1(20).His halflife is 245 500 years.

All radioactive nuclides of an element have the same half life?

No, halflife is a bulk statistical property of a quantity of an isotope of an element.Individual nuclei do not have halflives, instead they have a probability of decaying at the current moment of time.

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How many types of radiation does thorium give off?

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