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Q: Manifest file is missing or unreadable?
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Could not load file or assembly 'WindowsFormAplication1' or one of its dependencies The module was expected to contain an assembly manifest?

Sounds like you tried to run an windows form application (WindowsFormApplication1.exe) with at least one missing dll file, or someone gave you an exe file by copying or renaming from a not-a-dotnet-file! (missing manifest)

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Restore the missing or corrupt file from backup.

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File a missing persons report.

What does missing mean in french?

"Missing" in French is translated as "manquant" or "disparu".

Is a corrupted executable file harmful to the computer?

An executable file is a stand-alone binary file, in windows the most common executable files are followed by the extension .exe. A corrupted executable file is a one of these stand-alone binaries that either has missing data or data formatted in such away that it cannot be interpreted by the computer. Most of the time these occur because of half downloads or missing data, but in rare occasions it can be caused by third party harmful applications that modify the binary data making it unreadable.

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the letters were unreadable and can not create account

How do I make a picture into a PEG format?

The simplest way to change a file format is to save a copy in the new format. Don't lose the original in case the change does not work or gives a file unreadable on your image-processor!

What is th french translation for missing?

Missing children : enfant disparuMissing file : fichier manquant

Where can you find a diagram of the serpentine belt for a 1994 Ford Tempo?

==Answer == There is a diagram under the hood (on mine, it is in the top left corner of the hood lid), if it is missing or unreadable, get a service manual.

Is a manifest file bad?

your safe, dont worry. no harm. what ever you do, DO NOT DELETE IT THOUGH. your good.

How do you recover a missing system file in Windows Vista?


What if a DLL file is missing?

then you most probably have to reinstall you windows.