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Jayden Pilkey

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Q: Many orchids attract insects with smells, ____cake, chocolate, and rotting meat?
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What is a rotting log home for?


Why do many plants of specialized cells that produce strong odors?

To attract insects

Why do titan arum have a rotting smell?

they have a rotting smell because the rotting smell makes insects come to eat. I'm not sure about this but i think they eat the insects when they approach the plant or something, try searching on Google or bing. :D

Is rafflesia smelly?

A Rafflesia emits a smell like rotting meat to attract flies and carrion beetles to pollinates it. The rotten smell of the flower is due to the reddish tentacle-like, branched ramentae, inside the corolla of petals.

Why is a rotting log considered an example of an ecosystem?

Can a fallen log be considered an ecosystem? Explain your answer.

Why are tiny creatures decomposers?

Because many creatures such as insects feed off decaying wood or dead animals. They act as a 'clean-up crew' removing rotting plant and animal material that would normally attract bacteria.

Why do flowers smell like rotten meat?

That they need to attract pollinating beetles or flieswith this particular scent is why certain flowers smell like rotten meat.

What animals or insects can be found in rotting logs and garden?

earth worms,catapiller

Why do some flowers smell like rotting meat?

Those flowers are pollinated by flies, which are attracted to the smell of rotting meat. Yuck.

Do insects get attracted to apple tree?

yes, kinda, because apples can rot, and basically all insects are attracted to rotting things, so when the rotting apples either stay on or fall off of the tree, it usually leaves that disgusting pile of bug/fly/(insects) that you see when you go apple picking.

Do elephants pollinate rafflesia?

No. Rafflesia is pollinated by insects. They are attracted to the plant by its odour of rotting meat.

Rotting meat giving rise to maggots?

It only takes a few hours for maggots to appear on rotting meat. The fly lays its eggs on the meat and maggots are born within a few hours.