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Q: Many Riddles in Filipino and translate to English?
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The word "matinabangon" is in Visayan language (local language in the Philippines). In English, it simply means helpful.

Where can one translate from English to French?

You can translate from English to French using online translation tools such as Google Translate, DeepL, or Microsoft Translator. You can also use mobile apps like the Google Translate app for on-the-go translations. Additionally, some websites offer professional translation services for accurate and high-quality translations.

What is the limited English word using by Filipinos?

"Taglish" is a common term used by Filipinos to describe the use of a mix of Tagalog and English words in their conversations.

If one needed to translate French to English how can they go about it?

There are many programs which are available to translate something from French to English. In Google Chrome, there is an option to translate at the top of the page.

English short stories translated to Filipino language?

The Filipino language is known as Tagalog. There are many English short stories which have been translated into the language.

How can a person translate Chinese writing into English?

A person can translate Chinese writing into English by using one of the many online translations websites. This can be done on 'Google Translate', 'Babylon' and 'MDBG'.

How can one translate English to Portuguese online?

There are many ways one can translate English to Portuguese online. One can translate English to Portuguese online by using popular on the web sources such as Free Translation or Bing Translator.

What does the word permainan translate to in English?

"Permainan" is a Malay word that can translate to "game" in English. Much like the English word, the word "permainan" has many connotations based on the context.

What does felice mean in English?

Felice Navidad is Spanish and translated into English means: Merry Christmas. To translate any language you can use Google translate, Google translate has many different languages to choose from and enables you to translate languages.

Where might one go to translate English to Latin?

You can use online tools such as Google Translate or specialized Latin translation websites like Latinitium or Latin-English dictionaries for accurate translations from English to Latin. Additionally, academic institutions or Latin scholars can provide assistance with translations.

What resources can be used to translate languages into English?

There are many online translators which will do a good job of translating many languages into English, and are also free to use. These include Babelfish and Google Translate.

What does 'juegosjuegos' translate to in English?

According to Google Translate, "juegos juegos", which is spanish, means "games" in English. If you search for juegosjuegos, you can find many Spanish games sites.