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Q: Many of the uses of bases take advantage of their ability to react with what?
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Many of the uses of the bases take advantage of their ability to react with what?


Is it true that many of the uses of bases take advantage of their ability to react with acids?

This reaction is useful but it is not the most important between uses of bases.

Do bases react vigorously with many metals?

No, Acids react with metals to form salts.

What can react with Acids?

Many acids will react with bases and, depending on the acid, some metals.

Bases react vigorously with many metals?


Hormones is responsible for the body being able to react?

Hormones are responsible for many things including growth, the ability to react to certain situations (e.g. adrenaline), and it induces in emotion and feeling. There are many types of hormones.

What does lantana do to bees?

Lantana has the ability to seduce a bee and take advantage of it. If not stopped soon there will be many bees that will be scared for life. STOP LANTANA.

What is the advantage of having many nuclei in a skeletal muscle fiber?

The ability to produce large amounts of the enzymes and structural proteins needed for contraction.

Why are group 1 metals called alkaine metals?

They are actually called the alkali metals. They are called the alkali metals because many of the compounds they form are bases (alkaline) and in pure form they will react with water to produce strong bases.

Can two bases react?

There are many things with a base could react. A base could react with an acid or foods for example.

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There are many advantages to having insulated drapes opposed to just every day normal drapes. The main huge advantage it holds is the ability to keep the rooms warmer and that lowers heating bills.

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There can be many advantages to purchasing real estate from an individual seller opposed to a real estate company. The biggest advantage to buying from an individual is the ability to talk them down on the price.