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Q: Mark had small blue crystals of unknowns composition which gave and turned into a powder when heated. What can you conclude about the blue crystals?
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When heated in an open flame the crystals are dehydrated and turn grayish-white.

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It would be chemical.

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Crystals of sugar are obtained.

How does the law of constant consumption apply to hydrate salts?

Whenever talking about a molecule of water, there is ALWAYS two atoms of Hydrogen and one atom of Oxygen. In a hydrate, water is part of the crystals. When a hydrate is heated, the composition of it is changed, because water is released. And as soon as the composition is changed, it is a new substance with new properties.

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kasi nasusunog kaya umiitim diba...ang Dali Dali

Why does grape jelly crystallize in refrigerator?

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