

Mars revolves every what time?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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15y ago

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Mars revolves every 24.62296 hours.

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Q: Mars revolves every what time?
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Mars revolves on its axis once in 24.6229 hours.

Does Mars rotate or revolve faster?

Mars revolves at about 24 m/s whereas it rotates at about 241 m/s So Mars rotates faster that it revolves.

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Its the other way around. Mars revolves around the Sun, with a period of 687 Earth days.

What planet revolves around the sun between venus and mars?

Earth, the third planet from the sun.

Which way is Mars north south west or east?

You may be knowing that earth revolves around itself and also around the sun and so also the mars. As a result, they are constantly moving. So, we cannot say that mars in this certain direction as both are moving and the direction changes every now and then. Written by Rushabh. Hope this helps you.

How long does it take Mars to rotate around the earth?

Mars does not rotate around the Earth. It rotates on its axis, and it revolves around the Sun, just as all the other planets do.