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Q: Marshall Field'sSupplemental Retirement and savings plan do you still have the plan?
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Why did Molotov object to the Marshall plan?

He did not object to the marshall plan. Stalin did and this was because he was still not too sure whether to stay as an ally of the U.S.A or to split off from it.

Why did vm molotov object the marshall plan?

he did not object to it....Stalin did and this was because he was still not too sure whether to stay as an ally of the U.S.A or to split off from it. But he was not prepared to hand over economic data to the U.S.A. He also thought that this was to take away the Soviet sphere of influence in eastern Europe as if the countries in eastern Europe accepted, he didn't want them to become too dependant on the U.S dollar.

Do you believe the marshall plan was a wise policy to put into effect after world war 2?

There is absolutely, beyond any possible question, no doubt that the Marshall Plan was a wise policy. The absence of any such helping hand after WWI allowed the growth of an atmosphere in which the resentments and grudges of the previous war could grow and become fixed in the minds of the people, as they looked at the remaining destruction of the war still surrounding them, and felt the lingering economic after-effects. The proof of the wisdom of the Marshall Plan is that in the two-thirds of a century since there has been no widespread general European war. Some people try to argue that the Marshall Plan led to the post-WWII "economic miracle" which created a vastly stronger economy in Europe - one strong enough to compete successfully with that of the US, to the detriment of the economic well-being of the US. Perhaps this is so, but its still cheaper and less damaging than having to go take part in another European blood-letting every generation.

Why did the Secretary of State Marshall suggest his plan for European recovery?

The reasons why the Marshall plan was created have been argued over since they were first voiced. There is even debate whether Marshall had anything to do with their conception at all and that he was just to present the idea to the world. However it is obvious that there were three main reasons that are probably above debate. * To halt the spread of communism * To Ensure that American Businesses with money and exporting businesses wrapped up in Europe didn't suffer. * And lastly to stop some people in some European countries from literally starving as Hitler had left devastation across much of Europe. Although the World economy wasn't as tightly linked in the 40's and 50's as we see it is today, it was still linked enough to cause concern so America would have suffered without Europe and vice versa. (I.e. the need for Global solutions to the economic mess we are all in right now that emanated from America) and that is why the business world always keeps a close eye on the politics of US / European relationships. Some could say that the Marshall Plan was an excellent business plan because America knew that the countries of Europe were made of strong willed people who would literally rise from the ashes and create successful businesses that America could be in at the beginning Very Savvy Politics more than altruistic as it was supposed to appear. I hope this helps Good Luck

Who was the Desert Fox and What is did he accomplish in north Africa?

Erwin Rommel was the "Desert Fox" and commanded the 7th Panzer corp in WWII. He fought a number of Battles against the Allied Forces and won many of them. He was credited as being a great Field Marshall in the German Army and won many medals including the Iron Cross. As good as Rommel was, he was never as good as General George C. Patton who was, and still remains the greatest Tank Commander the world has ever seen.....

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Yes cause i say you can beacue of the fact it is money you will have so it still counts as colateral. D S

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Jim Marshall is not alive anymore.

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It is useful to fill out your retirement planning worksheet while you are still in your 20s. If you don't start planning for your retirement early, you may not have a retirement pension when you need it due to lack of preparation.

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If you opened a savings account in the past and never did anything with it, yes it would still remain opened and active

What is the importance of planning for your retirement?

Retirement planning in a financial context refers to process of making financial provision for retirement prior to reaching retirement age. This normally results in the purposeful setting aside of money or other assets with the intention of deriving an income from those assets at retirement into old age. It basically is a savings account that allows you to retire and still be financially stable. The ultimate method of retirement planning doesn't necessarily result in the use a retirement plan as alternative methods of investing may be more appropriate. The process of retirement planning aims to: (1) assess a client's readiness-to-retire given a desired retirement age and lifestyle,i.e. do they have sufficient money to afford to retire; and (2) to identify client decisions or actions to improve readiness-to-retire

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Somerset Savings Bank is still exists. it was not taken over by another bank. Somerset Savings Banks are located in New Jersey.

Is John Marshall still on NBC?

No. His contract was not renewed.

Is Marshall Field the 3rd still alive?
