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About 550 pounds.

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Q: Mass of a bathtub filled with water?
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Why does the water come out of the bathtub you sit in it?

Because we take the water's space so it needs to rise. It was discovered by Aristotle when he fulled his bath full of water and it overflowed.

How did archimedis find the solution to kings question that the given material is gold or not?

Archimedis was so deep into thought that he filled up his bathtub full before he climbed in. When he climbed into the bathtub, the water spilled out of it and on the bathroom floor. He then realized that his mass caused the water to spill and if he collected the water and measured its mass it would be the same as his mass. He ran out of his house without wearing anything saying EUREKA!

Is a bathtub filled with water 200 L or 200 mL?

200 L

How did Archimedes get the idea for his world famous law?

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What is the volume of a half filled bathtub?

It depends on what size bathtub you have.

How could you determine your mass using water a bathtubsomething to measure water with and Archimedes' princilpe?

How could you determine your mass using water, a bathtub,something to measure water with, and Archimedes' princilpe?

A water tank has a mass of 3.64kg when empty and a mass of 51.8kg when filled to a certain level What is the mass of the water in the tank?


You filled a balloon with 560 ml of water the balloon and water have a mass of?

The water has a mass of roughly 560 grams, depending on its purity and temperature. We have no idea what the mass of the balloon is.

Did Archimedes discover perimeter?

No. The answer to this multiple-choice question is that he discovered "displacement", famously seeing water spill out of his filled bathtub when he got into it. ("Eureka!")

What is the mass when a cubic decimeter is filled with water?

1000 cubic cm

A water tank has a mass of 3.64 kg when empty and a mass of 52.2 kg when filled to a certain level What is the mass of the water in the tank?

Full mass = 52.2 kgEmpty mass = 3.64 kgFull mass = (MT mass) + (water mass)52.2 = (3.64) + (water mass)Water mass = 52.2 - 3.64 = 48.56 kg

What is the mass of a styrofoam cup filled with water?

The answer will depend on the size of the cup and, therefore, the quantity of water in it!