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Tariff - the government put a high tax on sugar made in other countries

Quota - the government lemons, the emperor of sugar from other countries

subsidy - the government pays sugar farmers to keep sugar prices low

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Q: Match each of the protectionist policies below with an example of government action that fits the definition. A.Tariff The government limits the import of sugar from other countries. B.Quota The gov?
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Match each of the protectionist policies below with an example of government action that fits the definition. A. Tariff The government limits the import of sugar from other countries. B. Quota The gov?

Tariff: the government puts a high tax on sugar made in other countries quota: the government limits the import of sugar from other countries subsidy: the go pays sugar garnered to keep sugar prices low

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A.Tariff -----The government limits the import of sugar from other countries. B.Quota ----The government puts a high tax on sugar made in other countries. C.Subsidy--- The government pays sugar farmers to keep sugar prices low.

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What best states the purpose of the lobbying done by labor unions in the US?

A. To prevent foreign countries from adopting protectionist policies. B. To get producers in the U.S. to increase the supply of public goods. C. To get the federal government to pass laws protecting workers. D.To get consumers around the world to demand more goods and services.

What best states the purpose of the lobbying done by labor union in the US?

A. To prevent foreign countries from adopting protectionist policies. B. To get producers in the U.S. to increase the supply of public goods. C. To get the federal government to pass laws protecting workers. D.To get consumers around the world to demand more goods and services.

What is the protectionist party known as today?

From 1909 until 2009, the Protectionist Party did not exist. There was no longer a need for its protectionist policies. However, the Australian Protectionist Party re-formed in 2009, planning to register as a political party to contest the next federal election. To date (September 2009) it has not yet gained enough members in order to be able to register as a political party, and campaigning is continuing. See the related link for up-to-date information on the new Australian Protectionist Party.

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To fight against protectionist policies by another country?

To fight against protectionist policies by another country, a country can engage in diplomatic negotiations to address trade barriers, utilize the World Trade Organization dispute settlement mechanism for resolution, and explore retaliatory measures to encourage compliance with international trade agreements. It is important for countries to uphold free trade principles and work towards resolving trade disputes through dialogue and negotiation.