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metaphase plates

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Q: Material around centrioles from which the mitotic spindle grows?
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What do animal cells have to help with chromosome movement?

Mitotic spindle fibers help with chromosome movement in animal cells. These fibers act as pathways for the chromosomes to travel across when moving around the cell.

Why centrioles are present in animals but not in plants?

Centrioles are responsible for the formation of the spindle which is made of microtubules. These structures constrict around the outside of the cell causing the cell to cleave in two. Plant cells have a rigid cell wall that could not be cleaved by these organelles. The cell wall grows in between the two new daughter cells, separating them from each other. This is why plant cells do not need centrioles, as they would not help the cell to divide anyway.

What is the space around the centrioles?


How do the centrioles in the centrosome help the cell?

Cilia works because they are little hairs all around the cell and they move to propel the cell around. They are very important components to the cells because without them they are not able to move :)

What do spindle finbers do during mitosis?

Spindle fibers form a protein structure that divides the genetic material in a cell. The spindle is necessary to equally divide the chromosomes in a parental cell into two daughter cells during both types of nuclear division: mitosis and meiosis. At the beginning of nuclear division, two wheel-shaped protein structures called centrioles position themselves at opposite ends of the cell forming cell poles. Long protein fibers called microtubules extend from the centrioles in all possible directions, forming what is called a spindle. Some of the microtubules attach the poles to the chromosomes by connecting to protein complexes called kinetochores. Kinetochores are protein formations that develop on each chromosome around the centromere, which is a region located near the middle of a chromosome. Other microtubules bind to the chromosome arms or extend to the opposite end of the cell. During the cell division phase called metaphase, the microtubules pull the chromosomes back and forth until they align in a plane along the equator of the cell, which is called the equatorial plane. The cell goes through an important checkpoint to ensure that all of the chromosomes are attached to the spindle and ready to be divided before it proceeds with division. Next, during anaphase, the chromosomes are simultaneously separated and pulled by the spindle to opposite poles of the cell.

Related questions

What is a cell structure consisting microtubules which forms during early mitosis and plays a role in cell division?

Microtubules are structured around a cell region called the centrosome

What cell component is composed of microtubles and helps move chromosomes around during cell division?

In animal cells these are the centrioles. You may also be referring to the mitotic spindle which is present in both animal and plant cells during mitosis.

Do centrioles organize the mitotic spindle in cell division?

No they do not, centrioles are the only organelles in a cell which are not synthesised during the G1 phase. During the telophase of cell division the two pairs of centrioles in each of their own centrosomes break down. Whilst a new nuclear memebrane is forming around the chromosomes a new par of centrioles is synthesised. Therefore centrioles are made during the telophase of the mitotic phase. Centrioles then divide into two pairs during the Synthesis phase. Each pair of centrioles then move to opposite poles of the nucleus during prophase.

What would the centrioles be in a city?

a sphingtor says what? Centrioles move material around. Sort of like a moving truck.

What do animal cells have to help with chromosome movement?

Mitotic spindle fibers help with chromosome movement in animal cells. These fibers act as pathways for the chromosomes to travel across when moving around the cell.

What are the fibers that form around centrioles of an animal cells during the reproduction of the nucles?

Spindle fibers form from centrioles of animal cells during chromosomal separation in mitosis. These fibers elongate to reach the kinetochores of chromosomes, and then retract via depolymerization from each end of the dividing cell leading into cytokinesis.

What events occur in a cell going through telophase?

A nuclear membrane forms around the two daughter nuclei, the chromosomes go back to chromatin, the nucleous reforms, the mitotic spindle disappears, and the cytoplasm divides.

Why centrioles are present in animals but not in plants?

Centrioles are responsible for the formation of the spindle which is made of microtubules. These structures constrict around the outside of the cell causing the cell to cleave in two. Plant cells have a rigid cell wall that could not be cleaved by these organelles. The cell wall grows in between the two new daughter cells, separating them from each other. This is why plant cells do not need centrioles, as they would not help the cell to divide anyway.

What is the space around the centrioles?


What lasts longer the mitotic phase or interphase? take around 18 hours..mitotic phase take around 2 hours...

How do the centrioles in the centrosome help the cell?

Cilia works because they are little hairs all around the cell and they move to propel the cell around. They are very important components to the cells because without them they are not able to move :)

How big are animal centrioles?

They are microscopic around 200nm Maestro De Science