

Materials of low mass fused together?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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14y ago

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This is fusion not fission. In stars like our sun, hydrogen is turned into helium

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Q: Materials of low mass fused together?
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Materials of low mass fused together is what?


What word for materials of low mass fused together?

Lightweight composite.

Materials of low mass are fused together to form a substance of higher mass during what?

During nuclear fusion, atoms of low-mass materials (such as hydrogen) combine to form a substance of higher mass (such as helium). This process releases large amounts of energy in the form of light and heat. It is the reaction that powers the sun and other stars.

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The velocity of light is greatest in fused quartz. The speed of light varies depending on the medium it travels through, with the highest speed occurring in materials that have low refractive indexes, such as fused quartz.

What are high density and low density materials?

High density materials have tightly packed particles, resulting in greater mass per unit volume (e.g. lead, gold). Low density materials have more spaced-out particles, leading to lower mass per unit volume (e.g. styrofoam, cork).

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Things like balloons, bubbles, clouds, and foam have volume but not much mass because they are made up of low-density materials.

When a low mass star first runs short of hydrogen in its core it becomes brighter because?

Low mass stars become brighter after depleting hydrogen because all of the hydrogen in the core has been fused into helium. Once this happens, hydrogen fusion begins in the outer layers, which causes more heat and light generation.

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Some examples of objects that have large volume but very small mass and weight include balloons filled with helium gas, foam materials, and large empty containers made of lightweight materials like plastic or aluminum. These objects displace a lot of space but have low density, resulting in low mass and weight.

Is the sun a low mass or high mass star?

There are more low mass stars. this is for two reasons:- # the star forming process generates more low mass stars # High mass stars burn out very quickly and explode as supernovas and thus over time there are less and less of them.

Why does high volume and low mass equal low density?

High volume and low mass result in low density because density is calculated by dividing mass by volume. When the mass is low compared to the volume, the density will also be low because there is less mass per unit of volume.

Is the end life of a planetary nebula a high mass or low mass star?

Low mass

Do electrons move easily?

Yes, electrons move easily through conductive materials like metals due to their negative charge and low mass. In insulating materials, electrons are tightly bound to atoms and do not move easily.