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Q: Materials through which electrons cannot move easily?
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Heat moves easily through materials with delocalised electrons, that is electrons which are free to move through the substance. This happens in metals and graphite.

Something electrons cannot move through easily?

Electrons cannot easily move through a type of material called electrical insulators. These materials tend to be plastics or rubber. Just think of the coating on wires in your home for example

Why can't sound travel easily through some materials?

Sound needs a medium to travel. It cannot travel through a vaccum.

What can electrons easily move through?

Electrically conducting materials, like metals, molten ionic salts and ionic solutions.

What kind of electrons cant move through easily?

The answer 2 this ? is that it is the insulator because the definition is that an insulator is something that cannot move through that well.

Why can't electricity go through rubber?

Rubber is what is known as an electrical insulator. The difference between insulators, which block the flow of electricity, and conductors, which permit the flow of electricity, lies in the availability of mobile electrons in the material in question. Electricity is composed of moving electrons. Some materials, such as metals, contain electrons that are easily moved, hence electric currents move easily in those materials. If a material does not have electrons that are easily moved, then it resists the flow of electrons.

What do Electrons do not easily flow through?

A Resistor

What are materials called that do not easily give up or take on electrons?

Thede are unreactive elements.

Something electrons move through easily?


Allows electrons to move through it easily?

A conductor

What are you considering when you referring to how easily materials can pass through membrane?

What you are considering when you are referring to how easily materials can pass through a membrane is how permeable the cell wall or membrane is.

What are materials that allow electrons to move through them easily?

A conductor. Most metals are conductors-they enable electrons to move freely through them, carrying an electrical charge. Most non-metals (notably excluding graphite, an isotope of carbon) are insulators which means that they do not allow an electrical charge to be carried through them.