

Best Answer
MediationAn uncontested divorce or paternity action need not require the hiring of two attorneys. Using a Certified Mediator, a detailed agreement can be developed. From there, you file it with the court, and set a hearing date. On that day the judge will swear both of you in, ask if you both agree to the terms set down in the document, than everyone signs it. Generally, there is a 30-60 day waiting period for the document to be recorded with the county and state registries.

The mediator will be a lawyer or paralegal, with specialized training and certification.. Each of you MUST pay half the fees. The fees could run from $200 to $1000, depending on the going rates in your area, and time spent on the document. Court fees could run $50 to $200, but if you are tight on money, you could request a waiver.

These are the items you NEED to cover in the document.

  • Soul Custody
  • Joint Legal Custody
  • Joint Physical Custody
  • Bird Nest Custody (see link below)
  • How close do you the parents live to each other?
  • How old is the child?
  • How often?
  • What specific weeks, or months?
  • What specific holidays on in a list of years, do each parent get the children?
  • What if the custodial parent wants to move out of state?
  • (see related links below)
  • Who covers medical insurance?
  • Who decides on treatment?
  • How much?
  • Weekly, Bi-Weekly, or Monthly?
  • How Long? Eighteen, High School, or End of College? see link
  • Do you split the cost of college?
  • What state(s) may they attend in?
  • What is the minimum amount of college credit hours the child must take?
  • Who gets the tax deduction(s)?
  • What if the child gets pregnant? Does child support stop?
  • (see link below)
  • If the residential parent dies, who gets the child? Never assume anything.
MEDIATION AND FAMILY LAWWHAT IS MEDIATION??A dictionary's definition is as follows:

1. to bring about an agreement, peace, etc., as an intermediary between parties.

2. to settle disputes as an intermediary between parties: reconcile.

But perhaps a working definition would be better. One published by the Santa Clara County Chapter of the American Psychology Law society in a 1980 paper is presented as follows:

"Mediation of custody and visitation conflicts involve a process of short term counseling and may be ongoing, with a specific aim of helping separated parents resolve the emotional issues which prevent them from reaching satisfactory agreements regarding their continuing relationship with their children. Recent research of Wallerstein and Kelly has confirmed a long held belief among professionals that frequent and continuing contact with two cooperating parents is in the best interests of the children of divorcing parents. Some families reach their own solutions to custody and visitation with flexibility sufficient to allow for the changing needs of the children and the parents. Others, because of their personal dynamics and/or conflicted relationships, are unable to do so without professional assistance. This assistance fosters a problem solving process, which includes techniques of negotiation, education and counseling and is supportive to all family members."

WHAT ARE THE OBJECTIVES OF MEDIATORS??There is a consensus among mediators working with child custody problems on the overall objectives of mediation, although there is a spectrum of techniques and practices.

These objective include:

  1. Protecting the child from being caught in the middle of those conflicts which cause feeling of guilt, confusion and fear;
  2. Reducing parental disputes, enabling greater trust, cooperation and agreement;
  3. Helping parents understand and tolerate their value differences;
  4. Reaching a mutually acceptable agreement which includes a child's living arrangements and parental responsibilities.
WHAT ARE THE METHODS OF MEDIATION??Forms of mediation with divorced or unmarried parents range from the use of advisory attorneys to individual and team mediators. Some mediators are attorneys, some are mental health professionals while others may come from the field of social work. Others trained in mediation may have a background completely different than those mentioned above. Some mediators only see parents jointly with no individual meetings allowed, others may have a set number before arbitration and others determine the number of meetings by case. Some mediators specialize in custody-visitation disputes only while others do financial mediation. Others do both with referrals for tax considerations and other use of specialized expertise. Hence, the methods of mediation cover the waterfront, but the objectives are the same, that is to help the two parties involved reach a mutual agreement that both parties can try to make work. IS MEDIATION LEGAL??A very definite YES, mediation is a legal means of reaching a settlement out of court, not only for family court issues, but for just about any dispute that will be handled by a civil court. Most judges will sign as a court order any agreement that was mutually agreed to by the parties involved. The reasons are simple:
  1. It clears their docket and saves them time.
  2. It saves them from having to listen to testimony and making a decision on the testimony presented.
  3. The most important reason is the judges know that an agreed to decision by the parties involved has a greater chance of not being back in court than a decision ordered upon the two parties by the judge.
AND IF THAT LOGIC DOESN'T MAKE SENSE TO YOU, THEN MEDIATION IS PROBABLY NOT FOR YOU.Some states, such as California, even go as far as require mediation for couples involved in a family law disputes. California Civil Code (Section 4607, Section 5, page 148), operative as of January 1, 1981, is an attempt at disentangling child custody disputes from legal and economic aspects of the process. This section of the code is commonly known as the California Mandatory Mediation Law. This law prescribes that:

"The purpose of such mediation proceeding shall be to reduce acrimony which may exist between the parties and to develop an agreement assuring the child or children's close and continuing contact with both parents after the marriage is dissolved. The mediator shall use his or her best efforts to effect a settlement of the custody or visitation dispute."

Perhaps some day other states will have the insight to adopt similar legislation, rather than continuing to promote the adversary system that currently prevails.

WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF MEDIATION WITH RESPECT TO CUSTODY DISPUTES??A group of local mental health professionals, and attorneys have together affirmed "that mediation avoids unnecessary litigation, lightens the court and attorney's loads and more importantly, spares the children of unnecessary and destructive discord between their parents, facilitating the children's positive development."

The benefits of mediation to parents are:

  1. A greater chance of fairness
  2. Increased communications
  3. Taking time to come to understandings and agreements in keeping with changing family conditions.
  4. Learn to compromise where possible.
  5. Learn to separate economic from ongoing parenting issues.

By reaching practical parenting agreements, parents are helped to neutralize their anger. Financially, mediation costs less than litigation while still maintaining a role for attorneys in reviewing agreements and preparation for the court's review. (1) Please see the article "The Benefits Outweigh the Costs" by Jessica Pearson and Nancy Thoennes on the financial benefits of mediation to the parties involved. The article, on the following pages, is reproduced from the Winter 1982 issue of the publication FAMILY ADVOCATE with the permission of the American Bar Association.

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Q: Mediation - Use and considerations in family court issues?
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How do you mediate through family court?

You contact your local bar association or your local family court and ask for material about the mediation process in your jurisdiction.

Can you use mediation in a sentence?

Since the parties did not wish to go to court, they went into mediation to solve their dispute.

What is court mediation?

see links

What happens if a party does not attend mediation?

Unless their attendance at the mediation was court ordered, nothing.

When does mediation take place in a lawsuit?

There is no set requirement that any mediation take place. Often, the Court will require mediation in certain types of cases, or the parties will agree to mediate. In either case, mediation is scheduled when the parties agree or when the Court orders it.

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Is a court ordered mediation held in the court?

The time, date and place for medition session, is decided by the mediator. Therefore, the mediation session can be held wherever the mediator chooses.

What is the difference between a criminal court and family court?

A criminal court handles cases involving violations of criminal law, such as theft or assault, where the state prosecutes individuals. Family court deals with family-related matters like divorce, child custody, and domestic violence, focusing on resolving disputes and protecting the well-being of family members.

You need legal help to take custody of your grandson. Where do you start?

You need to consult with an attorney who specializes in custody issues. You might start by visiting the family court and asking to speak with an advocate.You need to consult with an attorney who specializes in custody issues. You might start by visiting the family court and asking to speak with an advocate.You need to consult with an attorney who specializes in custody issues. You might start by visiting the family court and asking to speak with an advocate.You need to consult with an attorney who specializes in custody issues. You might start by visiting the family court and asking to speak with an advocate.

How does someone become a family mediator?

There are no set requirements in the US to become a family mediator. You do not have to be a lawyer. The family court system in most states sets a minimum number of hours of training and experience to be listed in a family court referral system. 40 hours of training has become a default standard in the profession, but most practitioners would say it takes many more hours than that. Many advise setting up a mentor, doing co-mediation (mediation with a more advanced practitioner), and volunteering at a community mediation center to get actual case experience. A community mediation center also provides an environment where your work can be evaluated and you can be coached.For a list of trainings, go to and click on "Find a training" on the left.see link

Is a agreement made by parents in mediation a court order?

only when registered and approved by the court see links

In the state of Wisconsin can a person demand mediation instead of before separation or divorce?

In California you are required to attend a mediation class and be seen by a mediation representative before you attend court you are allowed to see a j.