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Q: Members of the kingdom animalia have specialized sense organs that allow them to?
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What do animals have in common in the kingdom animalia?

The Kingdom Animalia includes animals which have the following in common:they have some type of skeletal support, whether internal or externalthey have cells, tissue, organs and systems which enable them to function and surviveThe cells are complex Eukaryotic cells and thus specialised for specific functionsthey reproduce sexuallythey are ingestive heterotrophsThey are all capable of movement / mobility

Are tigers multicellular or uncellular?

It's a mammal.... what do you think? if you said unicellular, you need to think more about why you asked this question, if you said multicellular... why'd you even ask? correct answer: Multicellular... there are no mammals that have only one cell count. infact there aren't too many animals that do even...

What are the organs organs called through which animals obtain oxygen from the air?

It depends. If it is a fish, they get oxygen from the water with gills. All other living beings in the kingdom Animilia get O2 with lungs, although certan amphibians, such as frogs, aquire lungs as they mature.

How are advanced and primitive evolutinary forms for the traits of symmetry digestive system and segmentation different?

Primitive life forms tend to be asymmetrical with no body plan, while advanced forms have either radial or bilateral symmetry, which are both detailed body plans. Primitive animals also have a sac-like body plan with no specialized organs for digestion, while advanced animals have a tube within a tube body plan that contains specialized digestive organs for more efficient digestion. Primitive animals have very basic, unsegmented bodies with no appendages, while advanced animals have segmented bodies that allow for specialized limbs and body parts.

Organs that surve no useful purpose?

Organs that are not used for their original purpose!Vestigial organs.

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What kingdom have special sense organs?


Why does a clam belong in the kingdom animals?

A clam belongs to the kingdom Animalia because it is a multicellular organism that lacks cell walls, has the ability to move at some point in its life cycle, and obtains its nutrition by ingestion. Clams also exhibit other characteristics common to kingdom Animalia, such as having specialized tissues and organs.

Organisms that have muscle systems and acute sense organs are what?

Animals. That is the Animalia Kingdom.

What does animalia classify as?

Animalia is a kingdom within the classification system of living organisms. It includes all animals, which are multicellular organisms that typically have specialized tissues, organs, and organ systems. Animals are characterized by their ability to move and consume other organisms for energy.

Members of which kingdom have specialized organs?

I really don't know to tell u the truth but umm i am just trying to get the answer to this question my self and if u can help me u can reach me at and hit find and put in

What are some characteristics of the animal kingdom?

Animals are multicellular organisms that are heterotrophic, meaning they must consume food for energy. They have the ability to move, at least during some stage of their life cycle, and they typically reproduce sexually through the fusion of gametes. Animals also exhibit a wide range of adaptations for survival in diverse environments.

What are all of your organs?

Organs are a collection of specialized tissues.

What is the stuff that is in your body?

In your body, cells make specialized tissues; specialized tissues make specialized organs; organs control major functioning within the body.

Specialized cells have no organs?

Specialized cells that have no organelles are known as Prokaryotes.

Are deer unicellular or multicellular?

Deer are multicellular organisms. They belong to the animal kingdom (Animalia), specifically the class Mammalia. Deer are vertebrates and have complex, multicellular structures composed of specialized cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems. They are composed of billions of cells organized into various tissues and organs such as muscles, bones, nerves, and organs like the heart, lungs, and digestive system. Deer reproduce sexually and undergo development from a fertilized egg (zygote) into a multicellular embryo, demonstrating their multicellular nature as complex organisms within the animal kingdom.

What are specialized sense organs?

Eyes and ears.

What is the term for the specialized reproductive organs in animals?
