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Q: Membrane junctions that allow nutrients or ions to flow from cell to cell are?
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Related questions

How are cells held together?

Cells are held together by Gap Junctions, Desmosomes, and Tight junctions

How does a does a cell get water and nutrients?

it poops

Which part of a cell allows nutrients and other materials to enter or leave the cell?

The cell membrane is responsible for controlling the passage of nutrients and other materials into and out of the cell. It acts as a barrier that selectively allows certain substances to pass through while blocking others.

What binds animal cells together?

Animal cells are mostly bound together by what are known as intercellular junctions. There are three types of cell junctions: anchoring junctions, tight junctions and gap junctions. Of these, anchoring junctions, which include adherens junction, desmosomes and hemidesmosomes, help bind the animal cells together, in an extracellular matrix.

What structures allow large important molecules to pass through the cell membrane?

A cell membrane is in every plant and animal and it lets in water, nutrients, and food to the cell. The membrane MUST be permeable because then it wouldn't of let the in water, nutrients, and food into the cell. If the membrane was stiff, the molecules of water, nutrients, and food would not be able to fit into the cell.

Does desmosomes junctions allow cell communication?


What kind of cell junction allow cell-to-cell communication?

my private part itches and im was born now!!!!!

What the purpose of plasmodesmata?

Plasmodesmata are holes in the cell wall of plants and algae that allow the cellular transfer of of proteins and macromolecules in and out of the cell. The cell wall does not have gap junctions or intermembrane proteins like the cell membrane does, so the cell needed another way to allow passage into and out of the cell, which is where plasmodesmata developed.

What does homeostasis have to do with with the cell membrane?

The function of a cell membrane is to allow certain things in, such as nutrients, ans out such as toxin wastes out of the cell. This allows the cell to get what it needs in order to function. If a cell is functioning properly, then the body is staying homeostasis.

Cell membrane what does a cell membrane to in a plant?

It lets nutrients into the cell, and lets out wastes from it.

How do structures within cell allow the cell to be specialized?

The structures allow the cell to perform specific functions.

What type of membrane junction allows ions to pass directly from the cytoplasm of one cell to the cytoplasm of the adjacent cell?

gap junctions Answer Through the gaps in the contiguous cell walls that join the two cell's cytoplasm. The gaps are called plasmodesmata (singular plasmodesma).