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Q: Mendel crossed a purebred tall plant with a purebred short plant. What was the phenotype of the f1 generation?
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When Gregor Mendel crossed purebred short plants with purebred tall plants all of the offspring were?


What are the phenotype of the f2 generation that Mendel observed?

The phenotypes present in the F1 generation depend on the phenotypes of the parental generation (and the environment). The F1 generation will display the dominant trait(s). For example, if T is tall and t is short, in the cross TT X tt the F1 generation will have the phenotype corresponding to the T allele (tall).

How did mendel the F1 generation for his experiments?

he crossed two pure lines

What was the radio of dominant to recessive phenotype in the F2 generation of Mendel's experiment?


How did Mendel make the F1 generation for his experiment?

he crossed two pure lines

How did Mendel make F1 generation for his experiment?

he crossed two pure lines

When Mendel crossed purebred short plants with purebred tall plants all of the offspring were?

I think not as tall is the dominant allele here.T = tallt = shortTT X ttall would beTt======and tall.

What did Mendel's work first and second generation mean?

In a typical Mendel experiment, Mendel took two purebreeding lines (the parental generation) and crossed them to produce the 1st filial generation and sometimes would self cross these to produce the 2nd filial generation.

What happened in the second generation when mendel allowed the first generation plants to self pollinate?

Statistical theory predicts the phenotype follows Pascal's triangle coefficients.

What happened in the second generation when Mendel allowed the first generation plants to self-pollinate?

Statistical theory predicts the phenotype follows Pascal's triangle coefficients.

What result did Mendel get in F1 generation when he crossed purebred tall plants with purebred short plants?

When Mendel crossed two hybrid plants for stem height, three fourths of the F1 plants always had tall stems. One fourth of the plants had short stems.Mendel always got a dazzling and great result. It was always 3/4 that were tall and 1/4 that were short

According to mendel what genes disappear in f1 pea plants?

No genes disappear in the F1 generation. Each of the F1 plants was heterozygous, having both a dominant and recessive alleles. The recessive phenotype disappears in the F1 generation because all members of that generation carry a dominant allele. In the F2 generation, the recessive phenotype will reappear.