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Q: Mental health condition called when a mother does not want her children to be successfull?
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What is the mental condition that means a person is aroused by death?

its called necrophilia, one of the lesser known philias. This mental condition is a very creepy and trouble making philias unless the person has the proper "connections"

How do you define the term health?

The condition of your phsical,emotional,mental,and social well being is called you Health.....their you go?

Why are idiots called Cretans?

They are not. They are called cretins. Cretinism is a condition of severely stunted physical growth and mental development due to untreated congenital deficiency of thyroid hormones.

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Progeria pro- before ger old age -ia condition Condition of premature old age occurring in childhood

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Athrepsia is extreme debility in children caused by malnutrition. Children are undernourished due to a deficiency in protein and calories. This condition is also called marasmus.

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the bulldog from Rio the movie is called Luiz and he has a spit condition andhis best friend is Rafael also Luiz is a bit mental...

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The mental nerves are located around the chin.

Why do I buy a CD which I like and even though I look after it and keep it in perfect condition sometimes if I see another copy of the same CD I buy that one too and may then buy another and so on?

There is a mental condition called 'hoarding' or 'shoppers sickness'. There are free mental health clinics in almost all major cities and a LMHC (Licensed Mental Health Counselor) may be the best option. Treatment is very effective in most cases.

What is the name of the mental illness when a mother tells her children they are sick but would let them get help because she believes she knows best?

The illness is called "Münchhausen by proxy".

Is there a company called mental?


Can you get addicted to self injury?

Yes. People can become addicted to inflicting injury to oneself. I believe it too is considered a mental condition called Munchausen's syndrome. This is psychological and behavioral condition in which somebody makes up or induces symptoms of illness in themselves.

What is Bipolar disorder also called?

Bipolar disorder, formerly called manic depression, is a mental health condition that causes extreme mood swings that include emotional highs (mania or hypomania) and lows (depression).