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Metaphor in poetry is a literary device where a direct comparison is made between two unlike things or ideas, equating one to the other for rhetorical effect. By doing so, metaphors can create vivid imagery, evoke emotions, and offer deeper insights into the subject being described. They allow poets to convey complex ideas and emotions in a more creative and engaging way.

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Q: Metaphor in poetry used to compare unlike things or people?
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Which of these terms is defined as a metaphor used in poetry to compare two unlike people or things?


Which term is defined as a metaphor used in poetry to compare two unlike people or things?

The term you're referring to is "simile." A simile is a figure of speech that directly compares two different things using like or as in order to create a vivid description or image.

What are two forms of figurative language that compare things?

Simile and Metaphor

What is the difference between a metaphor and an extended metaphor?

A metaphor is a figure of speech in which two dissimilar things are used to make a comparison, but an extended metaphor is a comparison that is continuously being made throughout a written work (more commonly in poetry).

What is the meaning of the idiom 'talk to me in metaphor'?

This is not an idiom because you can figure out what it means if you define the terms. A metaphor is a comparison between two things. Someone is asking you to describe and compare things using a metaphor instead of being straight-forward.

Why would the use of a simile or metaphor be confusing?

Because a simile uses the words 'like' or 'as' to compare two things. But a metaphor does NOT use those words and compares two UNLIKE things.

Is like a gigantic old women a metaphor or a simile?

simile. similes compare two things using "like" or "as"metaphors compare two things without using the words "like or "as"

What is a metaphot?

It seems like there might be a typo in your question. Did you mean "metaphor"? A metaphor is a figure of speech that describes something in terms of something else to create a symbolic comparison. It is used to convey meaning by suggesting a resemblance or analogy between two things.

Does a metaphor use than?

No, because you compare two things directly eg: life is a roller coaster

Which poetry term refers to a creative comparison between two unlike things in which one thing is said to be another thing?


Is an example of a metaphor like you yelled softly?

No, a metaphor is a figure of speech used to compare two unlike things without using the words 'like' or 'as'. What you're thinking of is an oxymoron.

Show you an example of metaphor?

A metaphor iss to compare two things without using the words "like" or "as". For example: That lineman is a beast! His mind was a supercomputer. The music was a captivating spell.