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Q: Meteorites that strike the moon's surface cause which surface feature?
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Meteorites that strike the moons surface cause which surface feature?

meteorites or other objects strike the moon they creat

Meteorites that strike the monn's surface cause which suface feature?


The holes in the moon's surface were cause by?


What is a meteorites can cause on the surface of the moon or a planet?

a crater probably

What cause a meteoroid to become a meteorites?

landing on the earth

What is the chance you'll live if a meteor hits earth?

Fairly high. Meteorites hit the Earth every day, and I am still alive. It is the big meteorites you have to worry about. One of several hundred meters diameter might cause a major devastation.Fairly high. Meteorites hit the Earth every day, and I am still alive. It is the big meteorites you have to worry about. One of several hundred meters diameter might cause a major devastation.Fairly high. Meteorites hit the Earth every day, and I am still alive. It is the big meteorites you have to worry about. One of several hundred meters diameter might cause a major devastation.Fairly high. Meteorites hit the Earth every day, and I am still alive. It is the big meteorites you have to worry about. One of several hundred meters diameter might cause a major devastation.

Can asteroids meteorites or man-made explosions cause tsunamis?

Yes the astroides and meteorites move the ocean forming a wave, spcifcally a tsunami.

How Does wind causes weathering?

Wind carries dust and other small particles which can strike their many tiny blows on a surface and cause the surface to wear away to some extent, increasingly so as time goes on.

Meteors are most closely associated with meteroids that?

Meteoroids become meteors -- or shooting stars -- when they interact with a planet's atmosphere and cause a streak of light in the sky. Debris that makes it to the surface of a planet from meteoroids are called meteorites.

Pieces of rock that strike the surface of a moon or planet?

These are meteoroids, small pieces of rock debris in space. They enter the earths atmosphere at high speeds, burning up brightly as shooting stars for a brief period due to the friction against the gas in the atmosphere - at this point they are referred to as meteors. If any surviving pieces are found on the surface, they are called meteorites. Since the moon has no atmosphere, meteoroids are able to survive the decent more easily, since there is no gas to cause them to burn up through friction.

Why is a metoraite covered with fire?

MeteorItes typically orbit the sun like the Earth does. These orbits are at very high speeds. Occasionally, asteroids in the asteroid belt collide and cause them to head towards the inner solar system. Occasionally, these asteroids will enter Earth's gravitational field and eventually plummet towards the surface. Because these meteorites are traveling so quickly, and because Earth's atmosphere is oxygen-rich, the meteorite will ignite. Usually, this fire will normally consume the meteorite and it will "burn up" in the atmosphere. Only large meteorites would be able to make it all the way to the planet's surface.

What is the most prominent feature of Jupiter surface What cause this feature?

The big red spot, which is a giant hurricane in Jupiter's atmosphere and has been going for hundreds of years. If you could travel across the great red spot, it would take your whole life to do so.