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If you are referring to beliefs commonly held by observant Jews, then perhaps two things are important to understand up front. First, concern for "salvation" in another world is not necessarily a preoccupation with Jews as it is in some other religions. Many trained in the Torah may reply that if one lives by the Commandments and does good in this world, and has a steadfast faith in God, then this is enough to comfort the soul that everything will work out well in any "hereafter" that may exist. Second, Judaism is not beset by lots of doctrine, dogma and creeds that require intellectual struggle and compromise. Show me 10 Jews and I'll show you 10 individuals who have thought the issue over and come to their own conclusions that seem to work for them. The Bible repeatedly asks man to put his faith in God and not fret. If you are asking whether there's a religious hero who died to redeem all sinners and enter them into heaven, there's no counterpart in most brands of Judaism, of which there are many. Hope this helps.

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Q: Methods of reaching salvation for judaisms?
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