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Q: Microscopic particles of matter that are smaller than a molecule?
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What are microscopic particles of matter that are smaller than molecules?


Microscopic particles of matter that are smaller than molecules?

atoms, then protons and neutrons smaller, then electrons smaller again. Atoms are not microscopic though (unless you consider a very strong electron microscope, and at this, it is a push)

What are the smallest particles of matter made of?


Is molecule the smallest particle of matter?

No, atoms are not the smallest particles of matter. Atoms are the smallest pieces of a chemical element, but atoms are made of even smaller particles. We know that neutrons, protons and electrons make up atoms. And there are even smaller particles when we begin to look at what is called the particle zoo.

Why smoke considered matter?

Because smoke contains microscopic particles of dust, ash and other substances.

Why smoke consider as matter?

Because smoke contains microscopic particles of dust, ash and other substances.

What are microscope particles of matter that are smaller than molecules?


Combinations of 2 or more of these tiny particles are calleds?

You think probable to a molecule.

What is a microscopic particles of matter that are smaller than molecules?

A submicroscopic particle is an entity that is too small to be viewed by any visible means (Including our most powerful microscopes) and can only be determined to BE by mathematical equation.

Are particles bigger than molecules?

No, particles are little parts of atoms that chooses what type of atom it will be.Such as gold or iron.Particles are electons,nuetrons and protons.The amount of each proton nuetron or electron also chooses what type pf atom it will be.A molicule is several atoms put together

How is the word 'chemistry' defined?

Chemistry is the natural science that studies the structure and behavior of matter at the microscopic scales of molecules, atoms, and subatomic particles.

Smallest particles that make up matter?

An Atom. It's the world's smallest particles of matter, atom's is known to be 20 times smaller than an average coffee bean.