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Q: Mobile organ that manipulates food in the mouth and initiates swallowing?
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Organ that mixes food in the mouth and initiates swallowing?


How does food get from your mouth to your throat?

by swallowing

Where does deglutition occur?

Deglutition is swallowing, and involves the mouth, pharynx and oesophagus.

What is abbreviation for swallowing?

To digest an item, through the use of the mouth.

What is chewing reflex?

it is the reflex initiated by food entering the mouth. 1. food enters mouth and lower jaw drops open 2. opening of lower jaw initiates a strecth reflex in muscle that are responsible for chewing 3. strecth reflex causes contraction of these muscles and mouth closes. 4. one cycle of chewing is complete (i.e. opening and closing of mouth) 5. this process repeats until swallowing reflex is initiated

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How does swallowing help in digesting food?

Swallowing helps to pass something from mouth to our pharynx to insert some nutrients in our body.

How does the zebra horse hybrid eat the food?

by putting it into its mouth and swallowing

It pushes food to the back of the mouth prior to swallowing?

a tongue

Why cant you breath through the mouth while you are swallowing food?

you will choke

Many brands of smokeless tobacco contains this ingredient?

E500 manipulates nicotine levels and helps lower your mouth pH

What part of the digestive system assists in food manipulation and swallowing?

Your tongue assists in food manipulation within the mouth, moving it to different areas of the teeth. It then assists in moving the chewed food to the back of the mouth for swallowing.