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That's two different questions. Organisms store energy mainly in lipids; cells do also, although they often have large quantities of glucose ready to metabolize and in a pinch, proteins can also be used as storage molecules. In animals, glycogen is an important storage molecule for immediate conversion to glucose and energy transfer. In plants it's mainly starch.

The transfer of energy is a very complex question. If you mean transfer of chemical energy in order for the organism or its body cells to use to do work, then adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is the most abundant chemical that's used, altho' there is at least one other nucleotide triphosphate (GTP) that occasionally comes into play.

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Adenosine triphosphate, also known as ATP.

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relatively sure it is ATP

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Q: Molecule used by cells to store and transport energy for cell activities?
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Why do cells need to use transport?

This energy comes from the molecule ATP,which stores energy in a form that cells can use

Special molecule that provides energy for a cells activities?

CH2O (glucose) is the most fundamental molecule metabolized by cells (in conjunction with Oxygen) for energy.

What supplies the energy for active transport?

Mitochondria are what supplies energy to cells for active transport. ATP is the molecule that does this. Also known as adenosine triphosphate.

Energy molecule made and used by cells?

Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is the energy molecule that is made and used by cells. It is a high-energy molecule that stores and supplies energy for various cellular processes, such as muscle contractions, protein synthesis, and active transport across cell membranes.

What molecule supplies the energy for active transport?

Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is the molecule that supplies the energy for active transport in cells. ATP is produced during cellular respiration and carries energy that is used by transport proteins to move molecules against their concentration gradient.

In cells a form of active transport is what?

One form of active transport is the vacuoles that hold the water and energy to transport to the nucleus which controls all the cell's activities!!

Which molecule is used to power cellular activities?

Cells use oxygen and glucose to power raw materials and make ATP for energy.

What part of cells transport energy?

The Active transport

What are passive transport active transport and endocytosis?

These are three different ways that cells have to get things in and out of the cell. Passive transport is movement without the use of energy, active transport requires energy.Active transport requires energy since the molecules are going toward a region that has a higher concentration of that molecule. The cell is 'stuffing' more into itself.Endocytosis means to 'take into the cell'. Usually this a larger molecule and cell must wrap part of itself around the molecule and then can bring it inside. This is a type of phagocytosis (cell eating).This requires energy as well.

Why is electron transport so critical in the process of cellular respiration?

Electron transport is a critical process in cellular respiration because it provides energy for cells in the form of ATP. Electron transport occurs in the mitochondria of cells and involves the transfer of electrons from one molecule to another. The energy generated from this process is used to synthesize ATP the main energy currency of cells. This energy is then used to power a variety of cellular processes such as DNA replication and protein synthesis. Without electron transport cells would not be able to generate the energy required for these essential processes.Electron transport is essential for cellular respiration because it: Moves electrons from one molecule to another Generates energy in the form of ATP Powers a variety of cellular processesIn conclusion electron transport is a critical process in cellular respiration because it provides cells with the energy required for essential processes. Without it cells would not be able to generate the energy required for these processes and would not be able to survive.

Why is an ATP an important molecule in metabolism?

ATP is an important molecule in metabolism because it serves as the primary energy currency in cells. It stores and transfers energy within cells for various cellular processes, such as muscle contraction, biosynthesis, and active transport. Without ATP, cells would not have the necessary energy to carry out essential functions.

How do living cells use energy?

An example of how cells use energy is when they make use of an energy-dependent transport in the cell membrane. Some types of non-passive transport require ATP for it to work, hence using "energy"