

Best Answer

. moving the hands backwards along with the ball while catching the ball in cricket .a cushion bed or heap of sand are arranged for those who are making jumps or pole wolt . .when the bricks are thrown down from lorry the one who is catching them lowers the hand a little more to making come to rest .drivers of vehicles apply the break

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Q: More examples of newton's second law of motion?
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One person weighs 600 newtons and the other weighs 555 newtons Which person has more kinetic energy?

Kinetic energy measures the amount of energy a person has as they are in motion. In this instance, the person who weighs 600 Newtons has more energy.

Who was issaic newton?

He dicovered the 3 laws of motion (Newtons laws of motion)

The calculation of mass x acceleration applies to which of newtons law of motion?

Newton's second law of motion states that the acceleration of a system is directly proportional to and in the same direction as the net external force acting on the system, and inversely proportional to its the answer is Newton's second law of motion. gimme a good raction plz

When an object is moving in a straight line it will?

This is referring to Newtons fist law of motion. An object at rest will continue to stay at rest, and an object in motion will continue to remain in motion at the same velocity, unless acted upon by any unbalanced force. Researching Newtons fist law will answer your question in greater detail if you need more info.

Is the law of conversation of momentum one of the newtons law?

The law of conservation of momentum is implied by Newton's laws of motion, but is a more succinct statement of them.

What law of motion is it when you are driving a small car with better gas mileage versus a large car?

To get comfort, you need weight. To maintain acceleration levels with more weight you need more force, more force = more powerful engine = greater fuel consumption. (newtons second law: force = mass * acceleration)

What is an example of newtons second law referring to space?

An everyday event of Newtons second law is riding on a scooter. When you ride on a scooter, and you make your self go, but just let it go, the more mass that you have on the scooter, the greater distance it will go

When does the motion of an object change?

The motion of an object will change when a force is applied to it. Newtons laws of motion descibe this. An object without any force being aplied to it will remain at constant velocity. Wether that be at a constant 0 m/s or a constant 12m/s or 300 m/s and so on. The motion of that object will change when a force is applied to it by causing an increase in acceleration in the direction of the force being applied. -look up Newtons Laws of motion for more detail.

When 2 objects collide their momentum after the collision is explained by?

Newton's Laws of motion. Specifically, his Second (F = ma, or more generally, F = dp/dt) and Third (F1 = -F2) Laws.

What were the names of Isaac Newton's three laws of motion?

Newton's First Law of Motion is referred to as the Law of Inertia. It states that an object in motion will stay in motion unless acted upon by an outside force. The Second Law of Motion is the definition of Force : Force=mass x acceleration. The Third Law of Motion is the Law of Reciprocity. It states that forces come in equal and opposite pairs. "Every action has an equal and opposite reaction"

What would you use to measure the size of a force?

Newtons or Pounds... Newtons is more common.

Where do you see newtons second law of motion in everyday life?

Every time you see something start to move or change speed, you are seeing Newton's Second Law of motion at work. Also every time you see something change direction of motion, that same law is at work. In all these cases there is acceleration A of some mass M. And F = MA = net force is the math definition of Newton's Second Law of Motion. Here is a short list of some example where you see F = MA at work: When getting your bicycle up to speed When turning a corner in your car (you get thrown to a side) When throwing a wad of paper at the girl sitting in front of you in school. When dropping a plate of hot lasagna to the floor lots and lot more.....