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Cars can be adapted to run on a wide range of renewable fuels by using diesel engine. The diesel engine is one of the most effective energy converters available to us today.

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Q: Most cars run on fossil fuels How can they be adapted to run on renewable?
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How do you stop burning fossil fuels?

Most of our modern civilisation relies on fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas). We burn them in transport, industry and to generate electricity. Burning fossil fuels releases a greenhouse gas, carbon dioxide, that is causing global warming. To stop burning fossil fuels we have to change to renewable energy(solar, wind, water, hydro, tidal and wave, geothermal, ocean thermal, biomass, biofuel and hydrogen).

What is the diference between fossil fuels and renewable fuels?

Not as of yet. Most renewable energy sources are still expensive and many are not yet ready for large scale use. Some, such as hydroelectric, are comparable to fossil fuel costs. When this happens, you will see companies naturally migrate to the renewables. Sometimes companies will even start migrating early, providing that some form of mandate or financial incentive is given. Wind is one example. The logic is that if we build enough wind systems, the technology will evovle faster. There is evidence that this evolution is occurring.

How can cars be adapted to run on renewables?

Cars can be adapted to run on a wide range of renewable fuels by using diesel engine. The diesel engine is one of the most effective energy converters available to us today.

Why are fossil fuels used so much today?

They have been the most efficient energy source available.

Why do you need to save fossil fuels?

as fossil fuels are very important as most of our vehicles work on fossil fuels once finished they only can be restored after millions and millions of years

Related questions

Why is there a fossil fuels?

There are fossil fuels because things (like plants and animals) died hundreds of millions of years ago. Most Fossil fuels are non- renewable. Meaning they will not replenish untill we are dead and gone for hundreds of millions of years.

Which non-renewable energy resources are fossil fuels?

Renewable means that it comes back again tomorrow even after we have used it as much as we can today, like sunlight, or wind or tidal power.Tropical rainforests are non-renewable (well, not for hundreds and hundreds of years) and are NOT fossil fuel.Most non-renewable sources of energy are fossil fuels, but there are many minerals like gold and silver, etc, that are not fossil fuels, but are non-renewable. Strictly speaking if we wait around for millions of years some of them might renew, but generally we say, if we use up all the gold in the world today, then there's no more tomorrow. Non-renewable!

What renewable resource is the second largest source of energy after fossil fuels?

Hydro-power presently is the most prevalent renewable power source, primarily as hydroelectric generation.

How does solar energy reduce the use of fossil fuels?

Solar energy reduces the use of fossil fuels by providing a clean and renewable alternative for generating electricity. By capturing energy from the sun, solar panels help decrease the demand for electricity produced by burning fossil fuels, which reduces greenhouse gas emissions and reliance on non-renewable resources.

What sources of energy are most damaging to the environment?

Fossil fuels.

Where does most of the energy we use today come from?

Most of the energy we use today comes from fossil fuels such as oil, natural gas, and coal. These non-renewable sources are used to generate electricity, power vehicles, and heat buildings. However, there is a growing push towards renewable energy sources like solar, wind, and hydropower to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels.

What is the most widely source of renewable energy in the world today?

The most widely used source of renewable energy today is hydropower. It involves harnessing the energy from flowing water to generate electricity. Hydropower accounts for a significant percentage of the world's electricity generation from renewable sources.

Is petroleum is renewable source of energy?

Petroleum is a fossil fuel and as such it is a non-renewable resource. Petroleum is refined from crude oil, which has been formed over thousands of years. So petroleum is NOT a renewable resource.

How do you stop burning fossil fuels?

Most of our modern civilisation relies on fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas). We burn them in transport, industry and to generate electricity. Burning fossil fuels releases a greenhouse gas, carbon dioxide, that is causing global warming. To stop burning fossil fuels we have to change to renewable energy(solar, wind, water, hydro, tidal and wave, geothermal, ocean thermal, biomass, biofuel and hydrogen).

What are some renewable and nonrenewable sources in India?

The most commenly Renewable Energy Sources available in India are Sun , Cowdung , Wind , hydroelectric units . The Non-renewable sources are Fossil fuels like Coal , Oil , gas etc.

Is plastic a renewable resource?

No, plastic is not a renewable resource. It is primarily derived from nonrenewable fossil fuels such as oil and natural gas through a chemical process. Once plastic is created and used, it cannot be easily recycled back into its original form.

What remains do fossil fuels come from?

Most fossil Fuels comes from the ground soil or in mountains