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This varies, for everyone has different opinions, but my favorite part, is, when Atlanta is under siege, and the Union troops (Yankees) are invading Atlanta, Scarlett decides to flee the city for the safety of her rural Clayton County home. She sends her maid, Prissy, to fetch Rhett Butler, so that he can help them. He goes to the home she is staying in (Her Aunt Pittypat's home) and finds Scarlett weeping. She is crying, and he says that she is crazy to try to haul Melanie Wilkes, whom had a baby that day and was very ill, in a rickety wagon, bouncing all the way to Tara, her home. She cries and screams to him, punching in the air, "I will! I will! I will if I have to walk every step of the way! I'll kill you if you try to stop me! I will go home!" Rhett then takes Scarlett in his arms, and speaks to her comfortingly, calming her down, for he loved her. He says : "There there. Don't cry, my brave little girl. You will go home." And they get into the wagon. (Here is were it gets exciting) They are halfway to Tara, the Yankees on the tail, when Rhett stops the horse, and beckons Scarlett out of the wagon. He tells her that he feels guilty for staying out of the army, and is abandoning them to join. She thinks he is joking, and when she realizes that he is not, says, "What if the Yankees get us?" to which Rhett replies, "God help any Yankee who gets in your way!" meaning that when Scarlett is determind she will stop at nothing to get what she wants. He then Kisses her Passionatly, and she tells him that she hopes a bomb lands on him and kills him. She makes it home to Tara, to find her mother dead, and her father stupified. She later meets up with Rhett, for he doesn't die, and eventually marries him.

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Frankly my dear I don't give a dam.

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