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Q: Most of the followers of which school of Buddhism are located mainly in Japan and believe that a person can gain spiritual enlightenment called satori?
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It is used in Buddhism as a way of achieving spiritual enlightenment. They believe it is good for your body and mind.

Which followers believe in Buddhism?

Followers of the Buddha are called Buddhists.

Does a buddest believe in God?

Buddhism does not involve belief in a specific god or creator. Instead, Buddhism focuses on teachings that lead to enlightenment and liberation from suffering through personal spiritual development and understanding of the nature of reality.

What eastern religion allows followers to worship othere religions?

Buddhism, I believe.

What are some Buddhism rituals?

There are no rituals in Buddhism, except that we bow to each other and to everyone. The Buddha did not believe in rituals as an aid in attaining enlightenment.

How did Buddhism evolve?

Buddhism evolved by that buddha shared his knowledge around Asia and the followers decided to become Buddhism. Today in 2012 there are not many people that believe in Buddha.

What do Buddhism people believe in?

They believe in enlightenment that they will overcome sufferinfg and they also believe if they die its not the end of their live they get reborn again as something new.

What does fadianism mean?

Fadianism is a Chinese religious movement that emerged in the 16th century, blending elements of Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism. Followers of Fadianism believe in a supreme deity, the Three Pure Ones, and emphasize moral conduct, filial piety, and spiritual cultivation. The movement promotes harmony between heaven, earth, and humanity as a path to personal enlightenment and social harmony.

Why did Followers of Buddhism believe that its teachings will allow them to?

Overcome the suffuring that is a natural partof human life

Why didn't Buddha accept Creator God?

The Buddha held that it was not necessary to believe in gods in order to achieve enlightenment, but that his followers could believe in gods if they so wished. A great majority of Buddhists do believe in a creator god, whether the Abrahamic God, or another. It is certainly acceptable within some schools of Buddhism for their followers to believe in God, as the world's creator. ~That's correct. :-) I am a Buddhist, but I still believe in, love, and accept in my heart God. ^_^

Did Buddhism believe in gods'?

I am no expert but I think Buddhists do not believe in any specific god but do believe in reincarnation and the way to enlightenment is to give up material possesions

What do fakirs believe in?

A Fakir has similar beliefs to that of Buddhism. They believe that each persons life is centered on a spiritual quest for God from within.