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inuit, they speak inuit

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Q: Most of the people who live in Nunavut are?
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What are some other facts about Nunavut?

nunavut people used to live in igloo

What part of Canada do Inuit people live in?

nunavut , northwest territories and the arctic

How many people visit Nunavut per year?

2. 30 000 people live in nunavut.

What ethnicities of people live in Nunavut?

the Inuits lived there

The most people in Nunavut are what?


How many people live in Iqaluit Nunavut?

The 2006 population was 6,184.

What is the most north town in the world of 82 30 latitude 5 people live and work their its the closet to the north pole?

Alert, Nunavut

What type of people are they on baffin island?

Nunavut , Inuit types of people live in Baffin island

Would the organization of Nunavut's legislature work for the Canadian federal government in Ottawa?

it is because most people in nunavut are inuits while in ottawa most of the population are french and canadian

Do squirrels live in Nunavut?

yes they do

What three provinces do you find the most cities over 20000 people?

nunavut and assdasd

Is there any famous people in Nunavut?

Jordin Tootoo came from Nunavut.