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Most terrestrial animals dissipate excess heat by evaporation. This is done by either sweating (like humans) or by panting (like dogs).

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Q: Panting observed in overheated birds and mammals dissipates excess heat by?
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One of the characteristics of mammals that can be observed in a fetal pig include having hair. They are warm-blooded and need oxygen to live.

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homosexual behavior has been observed in virtually all mammals.

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Mammals produce their own heat by thermoregulation. Cells produce heat while burning glucose. This activity is controlled by the thyroid gland.

Are mice warm blooded?

Mice, like all mammals, are considered to be warm blooded as they use endothermic methods to keep their body temperature at a near constant rate. This means that they control their temperature via internal means, such as sweating, shivering and panting.

Do hamsters exhibit homosexual behavior?

Yes, in fact homosexual behavior has been observed in most mammals.

Are spotted hyenas warm blooded or cold blooded?

Hyenas, like all mammals, are warm blooded as they use endothermic methods to keep their body at a constant rate. This means that they control their temperature via internal means, such as sweating, shivering and panting.

How do mammals increase heat loss from their bodies?

Mammals lose heat because they are often warmer than their surroundings, it is a law of thermodynamics that heat flows from warm to cool.

What glands do mammals have that produce to cool them off when their bodies are hot?

Some mammals have sweat glands, but not all. Most furbearing animals, like dogs and cats, have no sweat glands; the fur would keep the sweat from evaporating and defeat the purpose of having them. Animals with no sweat glands cool off by panting.

Are chimpanzees cold blooded or warm blooded?

chimpanzees are mammals therefore that makes them warm blooded

What is the purpose of rabbits ears?

Besides hearing the rabbits use their ears for cooling. They do not sweat or pant to cool themselves (if you see a rabbit panting it is because he is already overheated and suffering from heat prostration). Blood circulates thru the large veins in the rabbits ear, and it cools as it does in the air.

How do rabbits maintain body temperature?

Rabbits are mammals. They produce their own body heat. They can cool down by panting, and they can create warmth through building nests. Rabbits can increase body heat by consuming more calories.