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they pass through channels in the cell membrane

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the answer is active transport

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Q: Movement of water across a cell membrane?
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What is the transport of water across the cell membrane called?

Movement of water across a membrane is called OSMOSIS.

What is the movement of water across the membrane cell?


Is movement of alcohol through cell membrane osmosis?

Alcohol moves across the cell membrane by means of osmosis.

In an isotonic environment would there be an equal movement of water across the cell membrane?

There would be no net movement of water across the membrane because the amount of solute inside and outside of the membrane is equal.

Which term describes the movement of water molecules into and out of the cell?

Osmosis is the movement of water particles from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration, across a semi-permeable membrane.

Is this correct no energy is required for the movement of water molecules across the cell membrane?


The movement of water across a membrane is trem?

The movement of water across a membrane is termed osmosis. This process involves the movement of water molecules from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration through a selectively permeable membrane, such as a cell membrane. Osmosis plays a crucial role in maintaining the balance of water and solutes within living organisms.

What movement do ion channels aid?

the movement of ions across a cell membrane.

Which activity can occur without use of energy?

Movement of water across the cell membrane

Which activity can occur without the use of energy?

Movement of water across the cell membrane

Why tonicity is important?

because it refers to the effect of the solutions osmotic pressure has on water movement across the cell membrane of cells with in the solution. because it refers to the effect of the solutions osmotic pressure has on water movement across the cell membrane of cells with in the solution.

Net movement of water across a cell membrane occurs?

from a hypotonic solution to a hypertonic solution.