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The villagers in Mbanta direct the missionaries to build their church in the evil forest because they believe it is a place where evil spirits reside and they want to drive the missionaries away by making them feel unwelcome. It is a symbolic way for the villagers to resist the missionaries' influence and protect their traditional beliefs.

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Q: Mthe villagers in mbanta direct the missionaries to build their church in the evil forest?
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What does the Mbanta elders expect to happen to the missionaries when they build their church?

The elders expect that the gods will shower their wrath on the missionaries and that the Christians will be dead within a week. This is because they have built their church in the evil forest.

When the missionaries in mbanta build their church in the evil forest and they not are killed what happens?

Nothing happens, so the villagers suspect that they have special powers. The Villagers expect the missionaries to die within 7 market weeks or 28 days. When the missionaries do not die, the villagers assume that the missionaries possess special powers, and thus gain more recruits.

What happens after the missionaries have been in the evil forest for 28 days?

After 28 days in the evil forest, the missionaries emerge unharmed and find that the villagers are astonished by their resilience. This challenges the villagers' beliefs about the evil forest and opens the possibility for a shift in their attitudes toward the missionaries.

What piece of land did the elders of Mbanta give to the missionaries in Things Fall Apart?

The elders of Mbanta gave a portion of the Evil Forest to the missionaries to build their church in "Things Fall Apart". This land was deemed uninhabitable and cursed by the villagers, making it a suitable location for the missionaries.

Did the villagers offer the missionaries a choice piece of crop land for the building of their church?

No, the villagers offered the missionaries land on the evil forest. However, since the evil forest had never been farmed, the nutrients in the soil may have been ideal for farming. However, diseased people were taken there to die, so that may have also attracted disease to the land.

What is uchendu's reason for giving the missionaries part of Evil forest and what is the result?

Some of the reasons are:No one thinks that the missionaries will accept the offer.The villagers can pretend to have accommodated the request.Even if they do accept the offer, they will be driven off by the gods.

In Things Fall Apart how did the gift of the land to the missionaries backfire on the villagers of Mbanta?

The gift of the land to the missionaries backfired on the villagers of Mbanta because it resulted in the missionaries gaining a foothold in the community, leading to the conversion of some villagers to Christianity. This caused division within the community, as those who converted were seen as betraying their traditional beliefs and culture. Additionally, the missionaries used the land to establish a church and a school, further entrenching their influence in the village.

What is uchendus reason for giving the missionaries part of the evil forest?

Uchendu gives the missionaries a portion of the evil forest to build their church because he believes it is a suitable punishment for the missionaries who have desecrated their customs and offended their gods. By giving them land in the evil forest, Uchendu hopes to isolate them from the community and protect their culture and beliefs.

What clever plan did the Ibo people have when they gave the Evil Forest to the missionaries?

The evil forest was to curse the missionaries, give them bad luck.

Where were the missionaries allowed to build their churchin the book things fall apart?

Land in the evil forest is given to the men of the church, so that the 'spirits' may drive them out. This idea does not work and instead the church flourishes in the evil forest, the churchmen even rescuing abandoned twins when they are dumped in the forest by the native tribe.

What land do the important men of Mbanta give to the missionaries to build a church on?

mbanta's evil forest which is where people who die evil or taboo deaths are buried. the elders believed that the powerful magic of the forest would kill the priests in a matter of days

In the book things fall apart where do the missionaries come from?

They are listened to respectfully for 5 days, and then given land in the evil forest to build their church. They build the church and convert people gradually. At one point their followers are ostracized by the Mbantans, but this does not last long, and eventually life goes back to normal.