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i'm not sure but i think it's original preservation.

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Q: Mummified animals found in dry caves can be examples of fossils with?
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Mummified animals that are found in dry caves?

Ones indigenous to the area in which the cave lies.

Naracoorte caves fossils. are they extinict or evolved?

Both! The fossils within limestone holding caves are of long-extinct animals, but they had still evolved to the species preserved as fossils.

Give examples from history?

something that happened in the past, artitacts, documentaries, fossils, caves, old times

Fossils can be found in?

rocks, caves, mud

What kinds of fossils have been found in the Oregon caves?


What are some threats to caves?

Some animals from other Biomes come and eat other animals in caves.

Where are fossils commonly found?

FOSSILS according to scientist fossils are most likely to be found in the united states (caves mountains and lots of other places) u might fall and trip on one

What type of animals are in caves?

The most common animal that lives in caves are bats.

The limestone caves Northwest of Johannesburg where the largest amount of hominid fossils in the world?

Sterkfontein Caves, located northwest of Johannesburg, are famous for the large number of hominid fossils discovered there, including the fossilized remains of early human ancestors. These fossils have provided valuable insights into human evolution and are a significant site for paleoanthropological research.

What animals do caves have?

Animals which live in caves for all or much of their lives include blind fish, a type of arachnid called a harvestman, and crickets. Animals which live in caves seasonally or temporarily, or which shelter in caves include bats, snakes, lizards, bears, mice, rats, and humans.

When do animals come out in caves?

At night.

Why are caves important to animals?

Caves has always bin important so that the animals and wild things can sleep in case of cold sick poor animals