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Ones indigenous to the area in which the cave lies.

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Q: Mummified animals that are found in dry caves?
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Mummified animals found in dry caves can be examples of fossils with?

i'm not sure but i think it's original preservation.

Why are mummified remains found in dry places?

most bacteria cannot survive in dry enviornments so the decay process is slowed down a lot.

Why are mummified remains found in very dry places?

most bacteria cannot survive in dry enviornments so the decay process is slowed down a lot.

Why are some caves dry and dusty?

why are caves so dry and dusty

Perserved in hot dry conditions?

Mummy's are preserved in hot dry conditions when they are mummified.

What preserved in hot and dry conditions?

Mummy's are preserved in hot dry conditions when they are mummified.

What happens after a mummy was mummified?

It was wrapped and left to dry

What animals are found in dry sclerophyll forests?

Some animals that are found in a dry sclerophyll forest are common wombats, magpies, kookaburras, bandicoots, shingle back lizard and brush tail possum.

Why are mummified remains found in arid regions?

Mummified remains are found in arid regions because the dry climate helps to naturally desiccate and preserve the body. The lack of moisture inhibits bacterial and fungal growth, slowing decomposition. Additionally, the low humidity levels and high temperatures in arid regions contribute to the preservation of the remains.

What did ancient egyptians mummify besides people?

Other than Ancient Eyptians Birds were mummified because they were sacred to the underworld. Then cats, cows, oxan, and camels were mummified any animal they could find or get their hands on. They had used Natron to dry out the body because one day they found an oxan laying in the sun decaying and drying out from sun and Natron. Natron was found bordering the Nile River which many slaves had dug up and worked hours to get perfect Natron to use on Mummification Project.

Why people were mummified?

The acient egyptians began burying there dead in coffins to pertect them from wild animals in the desert. However , they realised that bodies placed in coffins decayed when they were not exposed to the hot, dry sand of the desert.

How do they know that sea caves have once been dry?
