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mitosis? (its a type of cell division)

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Q: Muscle cells are produced by what process?
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Where is ova produced?

Eggs are produced in the human ovary during gestation through a process of cell differentiation. The process is similar to the process that produces bone cells, muscle cells, nerve cells, etc.. Human females are born with all of the eggs they will ever produce.

How much ATP is produced by muscle cells during anaerobic respiration?

2 ATP from glycolysis, as the rest of the process does not go on!

How are muscle cells produced?

Half of your muscle cells are made by your biological mother. As you eat, the chemical energy in food converts into muscle.

What does each sex cells are produced through the process of?

Sex cells (gametes) can be produced through the process that involves meiosis.

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Red blood cells are produced in your red bone marrow. The process is known as erythropoiesis.

Lactic acid fermentation is what type of process?

Lactic acid fermentation is an anaerobic process. This means that lactic acid is produced in the absence of oxygen. This usually occur in bacteria cells but can also occur in muscle cells.

What cells use the oxygen and food produced by plants?

very rougly, muscle cells.

Sex cells are produced by the process of?

by reproduction

What is a process in which haploid sex cell are produced?

Haploid cells are produced through meiosis.They are not identical to mother cells.

What process involves the zygote breaking down into skin cells nerve cells and muscle cells?


What is the process in which haploid sex cells are produced?
