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Q: Muscle cells store energy in the form of what for the production of ATP?
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How do muscle cells store energy?

To store energy, muscles use a phosphorylated form of creatine. This occurs because during normal metabolism there is no way for the body to produce enough energy to keep up with the muscleâ??s need to use it.

Which type of cell would be more likely to have many mitochondria fat cell or muscle cell?

Mitochondria is the part of cells that generate energy by turning nutrients and oxygen into fuel for the body. Muscle cells need this ability more because they are constantly working; fat cells do not need it as much.

How cells store energy?

Cells store energy in bonds.

Cells store energy in the form of what?

Cells store energy in the form of carbohydrates.

What form does cells store their energy?

Plant Cells store energy in the complex carbohydrates such as starch, disaccharides, and lipids.Animal Cells store energy in the Polysaccharide known as Glycogen.Cells store energy when a third phosphate group becomes bonded to an ADP molecule. ATP molecules are a cell's basic energy source.

How cells store energy and release energy?

Cells store and release energy through the use of the mitochondria, an organelle contained within it.

Cells store what in lipids to use later?

Lipids are used for energy storage, cushions vital organs, and insulates the organism

Where is the largest Glycogen store?

the liver and muscle cells

Why would muscle tissue cells require more mitochondria than fat cells?

The mitochondria are the powerhouses of the cell, where ATP molecules are produced. These high energy molecules provide the body with energy. Muscle tissue cells require more mitochondria than fat cells because they do a lot more work, hence they need more energy.

What Nutrient stored in muscles?

As in all types of cells, muscle cells store energy in a chemical called adenosine triphosphate, also called ATP.

What do carbohydrates do in your cells?

Carbohydrates get and store energy in your cells.

Cells that store energy from the sun?

plant cells