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Q: Muscle fatigue occurs due to accumulation of?
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What causes muscle fatigue and how do you know if you are expreiencing muscle fatigue?

By a muscle that fails to relax completely resulting in the muscle going into spasm.

What causes muscular fatigue after just a few minutes of intense exertion?

Reduction in the effectiveness of a muscle or muscle group reflected by a decline in peak tension. Local muscular fatigue may be due to one or more reasons, such as failure of a motor nerve to transmit nerve impulses to the muscle; fatigue at the neuromuscular junction through depletion of neurotransmitters; inability of the contractile mechanism (the actin and myosin myofilaments) to generate force; accumulation of protons from lactic acid in the muscle; depletion of ATP and phosphocreatine; or failure of the central nervous system to initiate and relay nerve impulses to the muscle. The most probable sites of local muscular fatigue are the neuromuscular junctions, the contractile mechanism of the muscle itself, and the central nervous system. Fatigue at the neuromuscular junction, which might be more common in fast twitch fibres, is probably due to depletion of Fatigue within the contractile mechanism may be caused by accumulation of protons, depletion of ATP and phosphocreatine; depletion of muscle glycogen; dehydration; or lack of oxygen and inadequate blood flow.

When a muscle is being stimulated but is not able to respond due to oxygen debt the condition is called?


A strain is an injury in which a muscle what?

A strain, or pulled muscle, is an injury in which a muscle or its attaching tendons are torn due to overstretching. It is often associated with fatigue, muscle overuse and improper movement.

What happens at the cellular level during muscle fatigue?

During muscle fatigue, affected muscle groups lose the ability to generate force and the individual will experience a sensation of weakness. Muscle fatigue is comprised of two types of fatigue: neural and metabolic.

What is physical fatigue?

Muscle fatigue is the repeated, intense use of muscles which leads to a decline in performance.Though the actual mechanism for muscle fatigue appears to involve the leakage of calcium.The maximum intensity of exercise is determined by physiological factors such as the maximum rate of O2 uptake, maximum heart rate and stroke volume, maximum muscle strength, etc. In the case of maximum work, a time factor is involved. Muscle fatigue is the transient decrease in performance capacity of muscles, usually evidenced by a failure to maintain or develop a certain expected force or power. Fatigue curves vary between individuals and within individuals depending upon the conditions that exist. Muscle fatigue can occur in two basic mechanisms: (a) central involves proximal motor neurons (mainly in the brain); and (b) peripheral involves within the motor units (i.e., motor neurons, peripheral nerves, motor endplates, muscle fibers). In peripheral muscle fatigue there are at least two different sites where repeated contractions maycauseimpairment:the"transmission mechanism"(neuromuscular junction, muscle membrane, and endoplasmic reticulum), and the "contractile mechanism" (muscle filaments). As the mechanical response of the individual active muscle fibers decline with fatigue, a certain compensation can be achieved by increasing the innervation frequency and/or the number of active motor units. The reasons for the appearance of peripheral muscle fatigue are local changes in the internal conditions of the muscle. These may be biochemical, depletion of substrates such as glycogen, high energy phosphate compounds in the muscle fibers, and acetylcholine in the terminal motor nerve branches, or they may be due to the accumulation of metabolites, such as lactate or electrolytes liberated from the muscles during activity

Does pethidine cause convulsion?

Yes, it might cause convulsive seizures especially if taken with monoamine oxidase inhibitors (ex. selegiline). Convulsion occurs due to the accumulation of its metabolite (norpethidine) in the plasma.

Why is my eye twitching?

Most likely, these muscle contractions are due to stress or fatigue. However, less common reasons include neurological conditions. My advice is relax and perhaps try meditation.

What defines tissue swelling due to fluid accumulation?


Growth occurs due to what?

Growth occurs due to an increase in the number and size of cells in an organism. This process is regulated by various growth factors, hormones, and genetic factors that control cell division and differentiation. Environmental factors such as nutrition, exercise, and stress can also influence growth.

Why does fatique occur during menopause?

Fatigue occurs during menopause due to the lack of estrogen and progestin being produced. Hormone replacement therapy, as well as natural remedies can help this symptom.

What will be result of the loss of albamine from the body?

The loss of albumin from the body can result in many side effects. Some of these side effects are full body and generalized swelling, muscle fatigue, cramps, muscle weakness, poor appetite, and a swollen abdomen due to liver issues.