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Hold the Alt key and type 9837 on the numeric keypad


Type 266d, Then type Alt+x

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Q: Music flat symbol on keyboard shortcuts?
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Related questions

What does Bb mean in music?

Bb is B flat as typed on a keyboard.

What is the flat symbol in music?

Looks like a small elongated letter b. If at the begining of a song, right after the staff, it means all of those designated notes are flats. If after just one note in a song, it means only that note is a flat.

What does sharp mean in music on the keyboard?

To make a note sharp is to bring it one halfstep UP on the piano. Ex: F becomes F# or Gb (Supposed to be a flat symbol) Any other questions?

What is b flat on keyboard?

Bb is the 3rd black key out of the grouping of 3. this is the same for every octave of Bb.

How do you make a b flat symbol on the computer by pressing Alt then a number?

I Don't Know what a B Flat symbol is but you can make music symbols with... Alt+14 ♫ Alt+16 ♪

What percent of Americans type with a flat keyboard?

64% of Americans type with a flat keyboard

How do you make the flat symbol?

bthat is the flat symbol

What kind of keyboard projects and image on a keyboard on a flat surface?


What is the key signature that has a B flat E flat A flat D flat G flat C flat F flat?

The music is in Cb Major if the music is in a bright sounding key. The music is in Ab minor if the music is in a dark sounding key.

What are the chords on the keyboard to Where is the Love by Black Eyed Peas?

Cccc (flat)gggg(flat)aaaa(flat)ffff(flat)

How do you reset casio keyboard lk-60?

This is how. 'Turn keyboard of for 5 seconds then turn it bak on and play"e-flat,g-flat,e-flat,b-flat,g-flat,e-flat,g-flat" then turn keyboard of and unplug and wait 5 minutes then plug back in in, wait 5 seconds and turn on. Your keyboard has know been reset'. Source: My casio LK-60 manual.

Where is the a flat on a keyboard?

It is the middle black key in the group of three.