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A set of rules

One or more players

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Q: Must What must an activity have in order to be considered a game?
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What is the difference between sports and game?

Games include sports, but also include such things as board games, verbal games, and various other types of games which do not include the kind of physical activity which is associated with sports.

Is science like guessing a game?

Science is a very complex process that requires much time and attention. You can't just go out and "science"! There are many steps that must be taken when actually looking for an answer. The scientific method is the most common process used for attempting to answer the world's questions.

What is the game knots and crosses?

Knots and crosses is a game which a player can be knots (o) or crosses (x). The aim of the game is to get 3 knots or crosses in a row.

Which subjective method is best to measure human activity of adults discuss in detail?

There are 3 subjective methodes of measuring human behaviour.1. Self-report questionnair2. Dairy methode3. Behavioural observation.In my opinion Behavioural observation is the best way to measure human activity. Behavioural observation is aim to collect data about physical activity behaviour. In this methode, we can observer the beahviour of a patient or a subject during any perfomance regarding the activity, sposed by psychlogist.

How far do you have to stand from each other in a water balloon toss game?

The distances usually vary. If you are playing with older children, you should have the distance be at least 10 ft between persons. However, if you are playing with younger kids (6 and younger) consider making the distance between persons more like 4-6ft. Always start at a distance that seems easy to your partner and you, then every time you or your partner catches a throw(without the balloon breaking), both of you step back. Before you know it, this game is going to seem less like a boring stupid little kid activity and more like a super challenge!

Related questions

What must have an activity have in order to be considered a game?

A set of rules One or more players

What must an activity must have in order to consider a game?

A set of rules One or more players

What must an activity have in order to be a game?

one or more players and a set of rules

What must be a feature of an activity for it to be a game?

A set of rules

Is cricket is a game or a sport?

It's both.Cricket is a bat and ball game. But it is also considered a sport, due to being a form of competitive physical activity.

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Where do you find regigsteel on Pokemon dianmod?

You must transfer registeel from a GBA game to your diamond/pearl game in order to obtain it.

What is the order number for zuma's revenge?

Don't think even about it ! you must buy the game .. and not to pirate the game

How do you get the Kingdom Hearts special ending?

you beat the game i think ---- The above is true, but in order to get the special ending you must beat the game and have collected ALL of the items that you must collect.

Why would chess be considered a mind stimulating game?

Chess is a game based on strategy and planning. Players must not only react to an opponent's move, they must also anticipate the next move and plan accordingly.

Where do you learn school diving in little space heroes?

In order to learn how to scuba dive on the game 'Space Heroes' you must go to their site and access the quick start quide or the help page. You can also find free activity downloads that may help in your quest.

Is a video game considered a computer game?

No, a video game is not considered a computer game. A computer game is considered a video game, however.