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The distances usually vary. If you are playing with older children, you should have the distance be at least 10 ft between persons. However, if you are playing with younger kids (6 and younger) consider making the distance between persons more like 4-6ft. Always start at a distance that seems easy to your partner and you, then every time you or your partner catches a throw(without the balloon breaking), both of you step back. Before you know it, this game is going to seem less like a boring stupid little kid activity and more like a super challenge!

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Q: How far do you have to stand from each other in a water balloon toss game?
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Balloon factories. What were you expecting, "When a Mommy balloon and a Daddy balloon love each other very much..." ? NO! That is just wrong! Balloons can not do that obviously! They come from ballon factories in California. Sometimes they can also be made in different kinds of factories. Now, THAT is the right answer!

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