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I am not an attorney, however from personal experience being in a very bad crash. Once my case was settled, I was informed I had to pay back $40K in medical costs after the attorney got his 33% off the top. He negotiated, but I still paid back $30K.

On a workman's comp, my ex had to pay out $10K in medicals, plus the 20% from the top to the attorney.

I found all this to be underhanded in Wisconsin because neither of us were informed about this liability from our attorneys until directly after we signed the settlement.

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Q: Must you pay back money paid out by your health insurance company?
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If the auto insurance settles with an claimant after health insurance has been billed and paid who gets the money?

If it is owed to the health insurance and they were already paid you must return it the ins. company. If not, you could be charged - heavily - even if you say "I thought it was mine" have a nice day.

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The Willis Insurance Company I was able to find sells both health and life insurance to its customers, but you must be approved and not all people will the meet the standards and qualify for the approval process and get accepted for both types of insurance.

Can money be pulled out of a life insurance policy prior to death?

You must direct your question to the insurance company that holds the policy.

Will the insurance company cover the cost of home care for my mother?

In general most health insurance polices cover the cost of home health care. But each policy will have certain requirements that must be met in order to qualify. You need to contact her insurance company for more details.

What health insurance can you get?

When you want to buy a health insurance for you and your family, it is advisable to do a home work on different aspects of health insurance. You must consider some important points to choose the right health insurance. Like you must analyze a health insurance company that has your family physician at their panel. As its quite easy and helpful for you to find a medical assistance from your family physician. There are some other factors as well. I have added a related link with this answer that will provide you a great help in choosing a right one for you.

How would one go about buying individual health insurance?

To go about buying individual health insurance one must at first be at least 18, and then should call a health care company to try to set up a healthcare plan.

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If your auto is hit the other driver's auto insurance pays all medical expenses and so does your health insurance must you reimburse your company?

You do not have to reimburse your insurance company if the accident is the fault of the other driver and the claim is made on their insurance. If the accident is the fault of the other driver and their insurance does not cover everything and you make a claim on your insurance for reimbursement, your insurance will subrogate (collect back) from the other company.

Where can one find the best health insurance company in Dallas?

AgileHealthInsuranceAgile Health Insurance makes it simple to choose, compare & apply online for affordable Health Insurance from leading Health Insurance Companies with ObamaCare options, Short-Term Health & Dental Insurance too

Will you bill my insurance company?

Yes, definitely your insurance company must be billed for all its expenses.

Is a company bound by an online health insurance quote?

No matter where you are shopping for health insurance (online, on the phone, or in person), all premiums must be filed with your state's Department of Insurance. That means the rates will be the same. As for whether the company is "bound" by the quote, the company can only quote pre-filed premiums so long as you are providing accurate information in your quote application, the premium will be the same for the same plan from the same company.

Why is health insurance important when considering a job offer?

Health insurance is an important topic to discuss when considering a job offer because a person does not want to be without health insurance if something were to happen medically. There is a new law that states an individual must have health insurance or face tax penalties when filing income tax. Insurance costs will be less if purchased as a group, like employees in a factory. If the company is too small to offer its own health insurance program, the individual will have to spend more to gain insurance.